1st Update 2020 – 2nd try

The cover picture of our lost January-Update

Dear diary

My last entry from end of January was lost due to technical problems on our website www.animalma.org.

Instead of re-writing it, I’ve decided to make one massive update covering all the highlights since the beginning of the year. And because we are all in lockdown now, I’m adding a lot of pictures, posts and videos.

As you will see, it has been a quarter full of “firsts”…

1st live interview on Facebook

On 20th of January I met the Bolivian journalist Edwin Perez Uberhuaga, publisher of the magazine “Aqui Latinos”. In my very first live interview we talked about the illegal wildlife trade in Bolivia and I presented the work of Animalma and Senda Verde.

Here you can watch the interview and brush up your Spanish skills

Edwin was in Bolivia in February, visited the refuge himself and obviously kept filming. Check out his videos here:

Interview with Vicky Ossio including jaguars, Andean bears & co.

The volunteers of Senda Verde

Marcelo Levy about the illegal wildlife trade and the mission of Senda Verde – while having a spider monkey baby around his neck

He also wrote an article about Senda Verde in the March issue of his magazine.

Senda Verde featured in “Latinos Aqui” (page 16 / 17)

1st radio interview

Through the interview with Edwin I’ve got invited by Raul Calizaya to join him as a guest in his radio programm “Voces de Latinoamerica” on Radio Stadtfilter. We talked in German and Spanish about wildlife trafficking in Bolivia and the devastating fires from last year.

I was excited that Vicky Ossio from Senda Verde joined us live from Bolivia and that we were able to present our animal welfare project in Switzerland.

Our interview on “Voces de Latinoamerica” can be listened to anytime online:

1st talent donation

An extra-wonderful first came end of January: my dear, talented, creative friend Jeannine contacted me to make a talent donation.

She knots beautiful bracelets which I can sell now for Animalma. The profit from the sale and her work are donated towards my project and I’m still over the moon by this kind and awesome gesture.


I give you a little teaser of her work – if you are interested in ordering a bracelet let me know via info@animalma.org.

1st BLICK-interview

Thanks to my apprenticeship at the foundation TierRettungsDienst I had the chance to have my very first media experience last year. In December BLICK (a big media brand in Switzerland) published a video interview of me presenting the job profile of an animal keeper and mid February an article was published online.

Read the article on blick.ch and practice your German skills

Watch my interview here and test your Swiss German knowledge!

1st bday-fundraiser-event

My February was filled with birthday preparations as I organised a fundraiser event for the very first time. As my biggest wish – to celebrate my 33rd birthday in Bolivia – was not fulfilled, I decided to do something FOR Bolivia here in Switzerland.

A zero-budget-event turned into an amazing, colorful evening thanks to the support of friends and family and together we collected a stunning amount of CHF 5’110.- in donations for our Emergency fund.

I’ve teared up while writing the last sentence as I am still deeply touched by the generositiy and love from everyone for me and my project.
I thank you with all my heart for the best bday gift ever – the biggest donation in the history of Animalma. What a start into my “Jesus year”!

Check out the bday-post including pictures and my presentation

1st lockdown

And now? Now we are all in lockdown, our lifes slowed down and it’s all about #stayathome #flattenthecurve and #covid19.

Bolivia is under quarantine too, Senda Verde had to close its’ doors and again vital tourism income and volunteers are missing. This is why I keep the Emergency fund up and running as donations for food and medical supplies are now even more needed than before.

At the same time I do believe that this situation is also a chance…

…a chance to combat illegal wildlife trade, which gained medial attention through Covid.

….hopefully a chance for humanity to finally correct its’ destructive way!

….and a chance for each and everyone of us. We are forced to slow down and to have a good look at ourselves. We feel locked away like zoo animals… And hopefully think about how we treat nature, animals and our planet as a whole. Rethink our values. Take responsibility for our actions.

And hey don’t forget that you can still do a lot of good for our animals during lockdown. Here are a few examples…

For our wildlife

…plant bee- and bird-friendly flowers and plants on your balcony.

…instead of having a groomed lawn, go for an untamed meadow being a paradise for bees and other insects. Add some bushes to make the hedgehogs feel welcome too.

…and if you live in the city feed the pigeons (with pigeon fodder please!)

For our farm animals

Rethink your consumer behaviour – in general but especially when it comes to animal products. Scan your products with the app CodeCheck, research your meat labels on labelinfo.ch, look for vegetarian / vegan alternatives and try them out!

We all have more than enough time to do so and can make an important impact towards reducing animal suffering and global pollution.

For our domestic (shelter) animals

I am currently looking after the cat of a friend and I am so glad to have this feline companion in this otherwise lonely lockdown. Isn’t it amazing how much an animal can give back? At the same time I read a lot of reports about abandonded cats and dogs arriving at shelters around the globe…

The shelters in Switzerland (and I guess in other countries aswell) are closed for now due to Covid. They depend as much on donations as our project in Bolivia. Moreover, they will have a lot of animals waiting for their forever-home as soon as the pandemic is over. So please give these souls a chance…

Adopt, don’t shop!

And in case you’re living in a country with street animals, you can provide them with water and food.

I will definitely use this time in lockdown for Animalma – so come around again soon!

Your Sarah

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