Foto: Njazi Nivokazi
Dear visitor
Thank you very much for your interest in Animalma.
My name is Sarah Fehr, founder of Animalma, and I would like to introduce myself and tell you how this association all started.
The travel bug bit me some years ago, while I was backpacking South America in 2011 and 2012 – to see the world, experience new cultures and especially to find my true passion…
Destiny led me to Senda Verde Animal Refuge Refuge and the 2 weeks I had planned to volunteer as an animal keeper turned into the best 3 months of my life.

I was working as a surrogate mother for 2 howler monkey babies, spending 24/7 with them and I was responsible for their health and integration into the existing monkey troop and eventually became part of the troop myself. I did not only learn how intelligent and complex monkeys and their hierarchies are, but also got to know each and every one of them and discovered that they all have their own specific personality and that they are driven not only by instincts but emotions aswell.
What impressed me most was, how those wild animals were able to read me, feel my emotional state and respond directly to my mood. It is like a mirror of your soul! I have learned so much about myself through those beautiful creatures and got reconnected to nature and my own intuition.
I had never heard about illegal wildlife trafficking before this experience and was suddenly surrounded every day by its orphaned victims. This touched me very deeply and still makes me sad and angry.

This first time in Bolivia touched me deeply and kept a hold on me, which is why I travelled back to Senda Verde in the end of 2013. I was shocked by the immense growth of animals at the refuge – from 300 in 2012 to an exploding 500 in just 1,5 years. Money for food, medication and new constructions is always needed.
For all these reasons and because Senda Verde is my family now, I have decided to found a charitable association to support them and similar projects with donations.
Moreover, I want to educate people about illegal animal trafficking; because knowledge and awareness protects. Knowledge can change the world for all its’ inhabitants. The world is not only ours and every living creature – big or small – has the right to live, has the right to freedom and the right to its’ natural habitat!
It is exactly this view I want to spread in order to change the human way of thinking and acting towards animals and nature and in order to protect our planet, our beatiful mother nature and all its’ children.
¡Hasta la victoria siempre!
Forever yours,