Sarah’s birthday campaign 2024

After “to love”, “to help” is the most beautiful verb in the world.

Like every year…

…Sarah is sponsoring her birthday to do something good – in Bolivia of course.

This year all gifts in form of donations will go again to a small but vital project: a centre at the edge of the Bolivian Amazon with materials to combat forest fires and capacitating voluntary firefighters.
If fires or inundations occure within or nearby close nature protection areas (Madidi, Pilon Lajas, EBB), much needed help will be there quickly and efficiently.

All birthday donations will be used for the following materials:

  • Fire fighting backpacks & paddles
  • Protection clothes, goggles, helmets and gloves
  • Respiratory protection
  • Machetes and rakes
  • Training costs

Last year, the birthday donations went towards this project – which has already recruited 58 volunteer firefighters in the meantime and has also been given an official name:

Centro de formación de bomberos forestales voluntarios “Jaguares”
(Training Center for Volunteer Forest Firefighters “Jaguares”).

This project is a private initiative by Marcos Uzquiano, who has been a park ranger and nature protection activist for many yeras. He has been awarded by the IUCN for his tireless efforts and has given half of the award money to his project. Sarah wants to support his idea and ensure that this project continues to grow. 

Thank you so much for your support – every amount matters!

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