“What counts most in life are the helpers – and the helpers of the helpers”.
Project goal
In April and May 2025, Animalma is organising three two-day forest firefighting training courses for rangers and volunteer firefighters in northern Bolivia with the experts from @fire Switzerland and our local partner, the voluntary forest firefighters ‘Jaguares’.
The focus is on efficient tactics and the use of firefighting equipment, as well as topics such as crisis organisation, logistics and nutrition. The two weeks will also be used for a valuable knowledge exchange between the firefighters from Bolivia and Switzerland.
The @fire specialists are currently in the middle of developing the course content and schedule, while Animalma is focusing on the funding and overall organisation of the mission.
Three months after the launch of our fundraising campaign Fighting wildfires with knowledge, we have already received an impressive CHF 7’045.- in donations. This amount will enable us to cover the costs of the roughly 60 participants and the organisation on site, as well as the logistics and accommodation of the Swiss team.
We would like to take this opportunity to thank the following donors for this significant milestone:
Nicolas Entrup
Jürg Stein
Christian Küpfer
Tanja Frei
Seifenkistenrennen Freienwil
All participants of the presentation 60+ in Oberentfelden
Fredi Keller
Raiffeisenbank Surbtal-Wehntal Genossenschaft
Andrea Spalinger
Helena Turienzo
Patrick Wigert
Alessio Gretz from the restaurant Weisser Wind in Freienwil
Christine Keller
Garage Louis Frey
Darleen Gloor
Daniel Müller with trigger it GmbH
all anonymous supporters
Next steps
Our next stopover target is CHF 9’000.- in donations to cover the catering for the experts during the two-week mission. Will you help us?
You can also support us by taking part in Animalma’s anniversary party on 8th of March 2025, with all funds raised going to this campaign.
The Final Stretch
The big final goal will be to finance the flights to Bolivia; first the @fire crew’s flights (CHF 8’500.-) and then Animalma’s (CHF 1’700.-).
All 6 people have offered to pay the travel costs to Bolivia themselves if the funding target is not reached. A wonderful gesture that emphasises the personal commitment of those involved in this project and deeply moves us at Animalma.
For the time being, we are sticking to the total funding amount of CHF 19’190.- and will continue to pursue this ambitious goal. Because from various past experiences, we believe in miracles and that together we can always achieve great things on a small scale.
The secret of life lies in seeking and finding the light. Albert Schweitzer
10 years Animalma
Dear Animalma family
Our organisation was founded 10 years ago today – a fantastic and somewhat crazy idea became a reality and an as yet unknown path opened up. I have to admit that my initial naivety about easily generating donations in Switzerland for Bolivia was quickly overtaken by reality. Fundraising is hard work, and so is ramping up a project like Animalma. And so this path has led me through ups and downs, but from the beginning until today I have always been accompanied by wonderful supporters, inspiring encounters come at just the right moment and all the small and big miracles that we have been able to achieve in Bolivia over the last 10 years give me the strength to keep going.
Without you, dear Animalma family, all this would have remained a dream. I would therefore like to take this opportunity to thank you from the bottom of my heart for your continued support.
You are simply awesome and I celebrate every single one of you. ¡Muchissimas gracias!
In this very special anniversary newsletter, I will tell you about my last trip to Bolivia, what is currently happening in our country of assignment and what a wonderful milestone is coming up next year.
Bolivia trip 2024
Packed with my trekking equipment and around CHF 400 from the mini-campaign, I set off on a three-week trip to my second home country in July.
On the way to the jungle, I was able to meet the volunteer firefighters from Ixiamas at our last stop in civilisation. They are part of the Jaguares forest firefighters, whom we have been supporting with Animalma for two years. It was a great honour for me to meet this female-led group in person and present them with their shirts bearing the Animalma logo.
Inspired by this encounter and full of anticipation, we set off on our 10-day adventure in Madidi National Park. For two days, we hiked through the thicket with bag and baggage until we reached the Rio Madidi. We drifted down the river for six days with self-made fins and observed the wonderful flora and fauna of the Bolivian Amazon. Every evening we set up camp, lit a fire to cook and then philosophised for hours about nature and its threats, the challenges in Bolivia and listened to the rangers’ stories. Once off the tranquility of the river, we spent another two days on foot over rough jungle terrain, which pushed each of our group of six to their limits in one way or another.
I am happy to take you on our Madidi adventure via the following gallery…
What moved me the most was, on the one hand, this incredible peace that sets in far away from civilisation and also allows the head and heart to rest. We get back into a natural rhythm, get up with the sun and are so much happier when we only have what we really need. A cup of coffee becomes a luxury, a dip in the river feels like wellness and the choir of howler monkeys is the best concert ever.
& this feeling of wandering through an intact jungle, seeing its diversity and natural balance and sitting in deep reverence under a 400-year-old tree – simply indescribable… liberating, inspiring, deeply moving.
Back in civilisation…
…we made another stopover in Ixiamas and I took the opportunity to use some of our donations to buy a 1000 litre water tank for the firefighters of Ixiamas.
The joy was huge and this equipment is extremely important for the volunteer firefighters because it saves valuable time in the event of a fire.
I handed over the remaining donations to my friend and vet Carla, realising her dream of running her own campaign to help dogs and cats near nature reserves with parasite and vitamin treatments. & thus also protect wild animals from parasites. In two days, three vets treated over 200 animals with the help of volunteers. They topped it all off with educational lessons for children at the primary school in Ixiamas.
I am happy to share with you the touching impressions of this wonderful mission in the following video:
Once again, these two examples show how much we can achieve through Animalma in Bolivia. Thank you to Katrin, Fabian and an anonymous supporter for your donations – you have made these two miracles a reality.
Of course, I also visited the Senda Verde Wildlife Refuge on this trip. I am glad that they have a consistent and dedicated team looking after the 1000+ wild animals and that their educational work in the form of guided tours is very popular with the local population. I also particularly celebrate their wild bee project, the butterfly breeding and the fact that Senda Verde sensitises its visitors to the smallest and yet so essential creatures.
We continue to support Senda Verde with basic supplies through the emergency fund:
Help Senda Verde through the aftermath of the corona crisis (yes, it is still being felt in Bolivia!).
The emergency fund provides food and medical care for the more than 1000 animals at the reserve.
Bolivia today
Since my return, Bolivia has literally been in flames – it is one of the worst fire seasons in recent years. 100,000 square kilometres of forest and savannah have fallen victim to the flames; according to biologists, around 10 million vertebrates have died. These are numbers and effects that are beyond our imagination and deeply shock me.
That’s why I’ve spent the last few weeks providing emergency aid to the rangers and volunteer firefighters. A first aid delivery in the form of food and petrol for the necessary logistics went to the San Matias protected areas and the Noel Kempff Mercado in September.
At the beginning of October, I received another call for help from the Noel Kempff UNESCO World Heritage Site. The rangers and volunteers were faced with a 60-kilometre stretch of fire – the only solution was to use a skidder (a large forestry vehicle) to create firebreaks. Out of necessity, I wrote an email to all of you and am still overwhelmed: the CHF 1,000 for the required fuel came together within 24 hours!
We received so many donations that we were also able to support the San Matias reserve once again and are currently clarifying with the rangers how we will utilise the remaining CHF 1,750.
In a really dark moment for Bolivia and for me, you were once again the light that brought hope back to us. THANK YOU!
Thanks to recent rainfall, the situation has eased somewhat and the redemptive rainy season is due in November. What remains is irreparable damage to various ecosystems and species, the loss of the livelihoods of many indigenous people, anger and disappointment in the population towards the state and a government that actively promotes this slash-and-burn agriculture and whose ‘aid’ is pure farce.
To end this section with a glimmer of hope, I would like to share a story with you. It is written by Fabiola, a Bolivian woman living in Switzerland, who has accompanied me and Animalma for many years and who, inspired by my appeal for help, expresses her pain in the written word.
& here it is at last, the milestone that awaits us next year and will take Animalma to new shores!
In collaboration with the organisation @fire, which has been training firefighters in forest firefighting for many years and sends emergency personnel to crisis areas, we are organising three two-day training courses in Bolivia next spring for rangers from various nature reserves and for our volunteer forest firefighters Jaguares.
I am incredibly proud that I will be travelling to Bolivia in April 2025 with five specialists from Switzerland to implement this preventive and sustainable measure. There is still a lot to do before then: the course content is being developed by the experts, potential sponsors are being sought, the trip and logistics are being organised and, in particular, the funding needs to be secured.
That’s why I’m sharing with you the associated online campaign that marks the start of this wonderful endeavour:
Forest firefighting training for rangers and volunteer firefighters in Bolivia – with the specialists from @fire, supported by Animalma
Before we set off on this adventure in April, I hope to see you in person in March 2025. Because that’s when we’ll be celebrating 10 years of Animalma at our next anniversary party – better late than never! More information will follow in the next newsletter at the beginning of the year at the latest. Until then, I wish you a wonderful time and send you a heartfelt THANK YOU once again for all your support over the last 10 years, for accompanying us on this crazy and yet wonderful journey together.
Forest firefighting training for rangers and volunteer firefighters in Bolivia – with the specialists from @fire Switzerland, supported by Animalma
In close cooperation with the non-profit aid organisation @fire Switzerland, Animalma is conducting three training courses for rangers from various nature reserves and volunteer firefighters in Bolivia for the first time in April / May 2025.
Over the course of two days, participants will be taught tactical knowledge and the effective use of tools for fighting forest fires in theoretical lessons and practical exercises.
The course will be held at three locations – all adjacent to different nature reserves – in the north of Bolivia and will also include the advanced training of instructors for sustainable knowledge transfer on site (teach the teacher).
This training and further education is of central importance for the conservation of Bolivia’s highly endangered biodiversity and is to be carried out regularly over the next 5-10 years with the support of funding foundations and patrons.
The aim of this project is to finance the first realisation of this important and sustainable project in 2025. The funding amount of CHF 13,355 includes all preparations on site, cost coverage for the approximately 60 participants as well as travels and accommodation for the experts from Switzerland.
Organisation and implementation of three two-day courses for the basic training of rangers and volunteer firefighters in vegetation firefighting in April / May 2025.
To directly strengthen nature, animal and species conservation in Bolivia through this training by bringing fires under control more quickly and safely and implementing preventive measures.
Optimisation of the existing course according to the latest findings in effective vegetation firefighting thanks to the expertise of @fire Switzerland
The focus of the course is on the efficient use of available resources and possibilities on site and improves response time, safety and self-organisation in fire situations in and around nature reserves.
Two to three people per location are trained as instructors to ensure sustainable knowledge transfer and efficient crisis organisation.
Advice on the procurement of extinguishing and protection materials and, where possible, sponsoring / financing of equipment.
Evaluation and further development of the course content according to the findings during the first implementation and especially after the first year of application by the participants.
Offering the course over the next 5 – 10 years, possibly supplemented by sending @fire special forces to crisis areas.
The initial situation
Bolivia’s nature reserves, and therefore its biodiversity, are under severe pressure; agricultural zones are being continually expanded through deforestation and slash-and-burn agriculture, and the climate crisis is clearly noticeable on the South American continent through prolonged periods of drought and short, low-yield rainy seasons.
Large-scale fires – such as here in the UNESCO World Heritage Site Noel Kempff Mercado in 2024 – are to be combated more effectively and contained/prevented by means of preventive measures.
The rangers in these valuable protected areas have extensive knowledge and many years of experience in their field of work, but are under political pressure. In addition, they often lack the basic equipment, logistics and organisation to counteract fires quickly and efficiently.
The ‘Jaguares’ volunteer forest firefighter initiative was launched two years ago by Marcos Uzquiano and currently has around 60 members from the civilian population. Thanks to the support of Animalma, they have a central warehouse with fire-fighting and protection materials and basic knowledge of how to use them. Marcos Uzquiano is currently the only trainer and coordinator in the event of a crisis.
The association @fire has been training its members in cross-regional forest and vegetation firefighting for over 10 years and deploys special forces to natural disasters worldwide. Animalma has been active in Bolivia for 10 years and has been supporting the rangers and volunteers with donations in kind, sending relief teams to crisis areas and providing accident insurance and basic training in firefighting since 2021.
Now the time has come to unite the shared passion of @fire, the Jaguares and Animalma in fighting forest fires and thus preserving our nature. With the extraordinary expertise of @fire, the network of Animalma and the commitment of the Jaguares, we can generate a real and sustainable impact in Bolivia; for the rangers and volunteer firefighters, for the nature reserves, for the Amazon, for biodiversity and for the future of us all.
The two-day course, which is held once each in Rurrenabaque, Ixiamas and San Borja, provides participants with theoretical lessons and practical exercises:
Effective means and tactics for fighting vegetation fires
Optimal use of available tools such as firefighting backpacks, extinguishing paddles, machetes, rakes and protective materials
First aid and evacuation of casualties
Operations management and crisis organisation
Further topics such as optimal nutrition, camp locations and radio communication during operations in fire zones
At the end of the first day of the course, the specialists prepare and conduct the second part of the training together with the future instructors.
The target group
The rangers of the nature reserves
Parque Nacional Madidi: from the snow-capped Andes to the tropical Amazon rainforest, it is home to one of the highest biodiversity levels in the world, covering 18,958 km2
Pilon Lajas: borders the Madidi National Park and protects 4,000 km2 of highland jungle in the Yungas region and its indigenous peoples in particular
Territorio Indigena y Parque Nacional Isiboro Sécure TIPNIS: is a national park and indigenous territory, its 13,721 km2 are at the centre of the conflict between expanding agriculture and the rights of Bolivia’s indigenous population
Reserva de biosfera Estación Biológica del Beni (EBB): is located in the department of the same name, Beni, and protects important water sources and wetlands over 1,350 km2 and plays a central role in the ecological balance of this region.
We expect 3 – 5 rangers per conservation area to take part in the training programme. 2 to 3 of them will be trained to become instructors.
Moreover, we have also invited rangers from the east of the country and hope to cover their long trips to and from the course with this campaign.
The organisation of voluntary forest fire fighters ‘Jaguares’ was founded on the initiative of nature conservation activist and ranger Marcos Uzquiano. The 60 or so members are spread across three locations:
Rurrenabaque / San Buenaventura: this is the headquarters of this volunteer organisation. They respond to fires around the Madidi Pilon Lajas protected areas.
Ixiamas: a dedicated group of 20 volunteer firefighters led by women on the eastern edge of the Madidi National Park
San Borja: centrally located in the Beni protected area, the volunteers from various villages support the rangers in monitoring fire hotspots and fighting wildfires
We expect 15 volunteers per location to take part in the training programme.
The participants’ travel to and from the course and their accommodation will be covered by this project. Costs for all 60 participants: CHF 6’045.-
The specialists from Switzerland analyse the existing training content, the needs and specific circumstances in Bolivia and define the learning objectives and a specially tailored course schedule based on the available resources and opportunities.
They provide their expertise and time free of charge for this essential preparation in the planning phase and for the course implementation on site. The value of this personal contribution amounts to CHF 6,125. Their travelling expenses and accommodation in Bolivia are covered.
Costs for the deployment of the Swiss team: CHF 3’695.–
The voices – in Bolivia and Switzerland
Marcos Uzquiano organises the participants and provides the infrastructure at the training locations. He acts as a translator during the courses and supervises the entire programme. This important work and key role, without which this project would not be possible, is remunerated and is therefore included in the financing package.
Costs for his organisation and support: CHF 1’100.–
Sarah Fehr is the link between the Swiss team of experts and Bolivia during the preparations. She organises and manages the entire stay, provides support with translation and ensures the financing. She donates the entire preparation time to the project (value = CHF 900.-) – her travel expenses and accommodation are covered.
The budget 2024 / 2025
The total sum of CHF 13’355.- is made up of the following three main areas:
Financing the participants
Course participants incur costs for travelling to and from the training centre, their accommodation and meals during the course days. The coverage of these costs builds the basis to be able to realize the course.
Price in CHF / unit
Total in CHF
Outward and return journey per participant from the North
15.- / flat rate
Outward and return journey per participant from the East
275.- / flat rate
Accomodation (2 nights)
10.- / night
Catering (drinks)
1.50 / unit price
Local organisation & support
Marcos Uzquiano takes care of participant registrations, provides the infrastructure at the training locations, acts as a translator during the courses and supervises the entire assignment.
Price in CHF / unit
Total in CHF
Ensuring participants & infrastructure
25.- / hour
Course support / translation
100.- / day
Swiss specialist team
Daniel Aeschbach, Joel Schwendimann, Benjamin Altorfer and two more fire service specialists will be on site together with Sarah Fehr from Animalma. Their travelling expenses, accommodation and meals in Bolivia will be covered.
Price in CHF / unit
Total in CHF
International flights
3 flight sponsered by Airlink, only taxes apply 2 x 1’300.- / flight
Domestic transfer to course locations
150.- / flat rate
20.- / night
The total amount of CHF 13’355.- includes 10% reserve and will be financed via online campaign on animalma.org and at-fire.ch. Any surplus funds will be used to procure materials for the firefighters on site.
‘Animalma, @fire and the Jaguares in Bolivia are grateful for any support to realise this important project and ensure the foundation for a sustainable exchange of knowledge in firefighting.’
“Look deeply into nature, and then you will understand everything better.” Albert Einstein
Dear Animalma-Family
In a month’s time, I will finally be travelling to Bolivia again. I’m really looking forward to my home of heart, to visiting our projects and, of course, especially to seeing what our donations are achieving on the ground.
A big personal highlight will be the 10-day jungle trip deep into the Madidi National Park. We will be travelling by raft in the “Alto Madidi”, spending the night in a tent, trekking through the Amazon without any civilisation or mobile phone reception. Pure nature – a dream come true…
Before I embark on this adventure, I would like to share with you my favourite achievements since spring.
Insurance for rangers extended
As communicated in the last newsletter, we used half of the donations from the 2023 anniversary celebration and unrestricted donations to extend the accident and death insurance for the 27 rangers of Madidi National Park.
Since the beginning of March 2024, they can therefore feel safer in their demanding and dangerous job for another year. This is nature conservation on the front line!
…to the blog post of this story – including the personal fate of Alex, who needed our insurance last year.
“Margay mesh” for Senda Verde
The other half of the anniversary donations went to the Senda Verde Wildlife Refuge. & they could really use this help – with the arrival of another jaguar, they had to make changes in the big cats area. The Margays’ existing enclosure was converted for the jaguar and the Margays were given new accommodation. With the CHF 1’000.- from Switzerland, they were able to buy the high-quality wire mesh fence for Sascha and Asjari’s enclosure.
A big thank you from the Senda Verde team to everyone who took part in the Animalma festival!
Birthday campaign
At the beginning of March, I launched my annual birthday campaign – an incredible CHF 1’285.- in birthday donations reached me from all over Switzerland for the “Jaguares” volunteer fire brigade. Thank you very much!
& because this project, which trains, equips and coordinates volunteers from the local population in and around nature reserves to fight forest fires, is so valuable to Animalma, we have contributed donations with no specific purpose.
After careful consideration and deliberation, the Jaguares were able to buy
3 fire-fighting backpacks
10 safety helmets
6 radios
various shovels, rakes, hoes, an axe and machetes
10 accident insurance policies for the volunteers
2 tents and petrol for logistics
1 first aid kit and
1 printer & writing materials
and carry out 3 training courses.
Muchas gracias from initiator Marcos Uzquiano and the now 58 volunteer firefighters who, thanks to you, will be able to manage the upcoming fire season more effectively and safely.
Here you can find the official campaign update with the final account and all purchased materials.
Article in the Glückspost
Susy Utzinger herself presented us with a wonderful highlight: an interview with writer and journalist Blanca Imboden. The result of this two-hour conversation appeared in Glückspost at the end of March. You can read the article here:
Not only Blanca but also I wrote in spring: Introducing a country as multifaceted as Bolivia and bringing it closer to you is not that easy and yet it has long been my wish. In the “Knowledge protects” section, you can now find an overview of our country of assignment, its beautiful, unique aspects and also the tough challenges that we face time and again under
What marvellous milestones, aren’t they? Definitely fitting for our 10th anniversary, which we are celebrating this year. I’m excited to see what else this anniversary year will bring us.
First of all, I’m travelling to Bolivia. & as experience has shown that I always unexpectedly come across animals, nature reserves and/or activists on site who are dependent on our support, I am sharing with you my travel campaign
I will take all donations received with me to Bolivia and use them exactly where they are needed most urgently and effectively – whererever it may be.
I would like to thank you in advance for your support – be it in the form of a financial contribution or by forwarding this campaign and sharing it on your social media channels.
I wish you, dear Animalma family, a wonderful summer! The next newsletter will follow in autumn at the latest and I am sure it will again be full of wonderful highlights made possible by your support.
Small things are responsible for big changes. – Paulo Coelho
So many gifts…
…in the form of a donation were received for Sarah’s birthday in March 2024, so that we were able to count an incredible CHF 1’285.- in the donation pot.
Many thanks to Anita, Patricia, Max and many supporters who prefer to remain anonymous.
Because we at Animalma wanted to increase the effect of this generosity and the joy of the voluntary forest fire fighters, we added unrestricted donations and were thus able to donate an impressive CHF 2’630.- to the Centro de formación de bomberos forestales voluntarios “Jaguares” (training centre for volunteer forest fire fighters “Jaguares”) project.
Thank you Darleen, Sina, Fabian and Simone for your trust.
The result
The generous help from Switzerland was used for the following fire protection and training materials:
3 firefighting backpacks with 20 litre capacity from Fireline
10 protective helmets from Portwest, resistant to high temperatures
2 tents & petrol for logistics within the fire areas
10 accident insurance policies for the volunteers
1 first aid kit
1 printer & writing materials
3 training courses
They will be of enormous importance in the upcoming and many other fire seasons. Once again, we are deeply touched by how we achieve great things on a small scale!
Below are a few pictures of the materials and impressions from two courses; one for the EBB rangers, one for the population and students of a small community within the protected area:
Many thanks on behalf of the Jaguar firefighters, Sarah and Animalma!
The beauty of Bolivia leaves you speechless – like here in Los Yungas.
Our country of assignment, Bolivia, introduces itself – with its beautiful, but also its dark sides.
Home of the heart
Our founder Sarah Fehr got to know and love Bolivia while travelling through South America. Her life was turned upside down when she volunteered at the Senda Verde animal reserve; since then, she has passionately pursued her path in animal welfarce and nature conservation with Animalma.
Bolivia, our country of assignment, is one of the countries with the highest biodiversity in the world, both in terms of flora and fauna. That is why we would like to introduce you to our heartland, its natural treasures, but also their threats.
The overview
Bolivia is often referred to as the heart of South America, as it is centrally located between Peru, Paraguay, Chile, Argentina and Brazil on the South American continent.
12 million inhabitants live in a country of around 1,000,000 km2 (approx. 26 times the size of Switzerland). The Bolivian population is diverse and a colourful cultural mix of indigenous people (Quechua, Aymara, Chiquitanos, Guaraní, Moxos), “mestizos” (partly of indigenous & partly of European origin from the colonial era), whites and Afro-Bolivians.
The 36 official national languages and the term “plurinational state” defined in the constitution symbolise the multi-layered and therefore often complex encounter between different cultures.
Where different ecosystems meet, there is an incredible diversity of species. In Bolivia, it is the majestic Andes mountains and the evergreen Amazon that create an extremely diverse flora and fauna. In addition to 17’000 plant species, there are
389 mammals
1’435 bird species
908 different fishes
313 reptiles
251 amphibians and
13’719 insects
which have been counted to date.
The heights of the Andes are home to llamas, alpacas and vicuñas, as well as Andean foxes, condors, flamingos and many other animal species. The habitat of the spectacled bear – the only bear species in South America – stretches from the high mountains through the cloud forests down to the Amazon.
In the world’s largest remaining rainforest, jaguars are at the top of the food chain and ensure balance within the ecosystem. The trees are home to various species of parrots, toucans, sloths and different primates, while caimans, river dolphins, giant otters, capybaras and piranhas live on the ground and in the waters – to name but a few.
Although around 15% of Bolivia’s land area has been declared protected areas and national parks, this marvellous biodiversity is endangered.
Photos by Kristi Odom, Maxine Lister & Noelia Chalfoun
The challenges
Meat, fire & cocaine
At 6.7 million square kilometres, the Amazon is the largest remaining rainforest on earth and is not only home to countless animal species and indigenous people, but is also directly linked to the global climate. It is endangered by deforestation and slash-and-burn agriculture – including in Bolivia. The country is home to 6,6% of the Amazon – that may not sound like much, but it covers an impressive 442’200 square kilometres, that’s 10 times Switzerland.
The destroyed areas are used as grazing land for cattle or as soya plantations, the harvests of which flow back into livestock farming. In addition, there are large coca plantations that extract all the nutrients from the soil. The plants are processed into cocaine in laboratories deep in the forests of Bolivia and distributed all over the world via smuggling routes.
In 2022, Bolivia ranks third in the loss of tropical rainforest worldwide for the third year in a row, 10% of the 41,000 km2 of primary forest lost. At the same time, the export of beef – especially to China – is increasing annually, for example by 299% from 2019 to 2020.
Illegal wildlife trade, corruption & poverty
The illegal wildlife trade is the fourth largest criminal activity in the world with an estimated turnover of USD 9 – 23 billion and is only topped by drug, counterfeit and human trafficking. In addition to local demand in South America, endangered species in particular generate high sales in the international destinations of North America, Europe and Asia. The animals are kept as exotic pets or parts of them are consumed in rituals, “traditional medicine” or as bushmeat.
Wildlife trafficking is often linked to other criminal activities and is fuelled by corruption and poverty – as is the case in Bolivia. The production of cocaine gives the illegal wildlife trade in Bolivia a special twist, as cocaine laboratories are hidden deep within the natural habitats of many coveted animal species. Small aeroplanes, airstrips and existing smuggling routes are used for the export and transit of wild animals in addition to the drug trade.
Particularly affected in Bolivia are birds (various parrot species), primates, Andean bears, caimans, vicuñas and jaguars – the latter’s rice teeth are traded in China as a fertility elixir.
Gold, Gold, Gold
The illegal exploitation of gold at the expense of the environment is a harsh and often concealed reality in Bolivia as well as in other South American countries. Rivers in the middle of nature reserves are contaminated with mercury, indigenous peoples fall ill and are exposed to blackmail, violence and greed for profit. Activists and rangers face a powerful, corrupt mining lobby.
A secretly taken video by an activist of illegal gold mining in the Bolivian Amazon
The hope
Staggering facts and figures dominate the preceding paragraphs. But as long as these unique ecosystems are not completely destroyed despite all the challenges, there is hope. Bolivia’s younger generations are taking to the streets in defence of nature. There are incredibly inspiring personalities on the ground who are fighting with all their might against the greed for profit and for the preservation of this natural paradise; such as Vicky Ossio & Marcelo Levy from Senda Verde, ranger & activist Marcos Uzquiano, indigenous protector Ruth Alipaz, veterinarian Carla “Carlita” Prudencia and many more.
Animalma supports this hope and this fight from Switzerland. With our campaigns, we help animal and nature conservationists on the front line to rescue and care for poached animals, fight forest fires and support endangered nature reserves. We are regularly on the ground, visit our projects, provide immediate aid in emergencies and want to be a voice for Bolivia. Our message:
Bolivia may be a small, unassuming country in South America, but it is home to incredible biodiversity that now needs our help and our voice.
Be part of our mission by supporting our projects:
Our nature conservation project includes sending fire-fighting teams and veterinarians to crisis areas, preventive measures against forest fires, help for rangers in nature reserves and much more.
Since the coronavirus pandemic, we have been supporting the Senda Verde animal reserve in providing basic care (food and medical care) for the 1000 wild animals in the reserve.
3 of the 27 rangers, who now have an accident and whole life insurance thanks to our help from Switzerland.
We help the rangers of Madidi National Park for the second time with an accident and whole life insurance.
The Madidi National Park in the Bolivian Amazon is the most biodiverse conservation area worldwide.
It is protected by 27 rangers; they are in the crossfire of illegal wildlife trade, exploitation (especially gold and wood) and slash-and-burn for meet and cocaine production.
It is a dangerous, hard job in the middle of nowhere, too often outnumbered.
The Madidi, its’ preservation and thus its’ rangers have become a strong part in our mission since first visiting this natural wonder.
Thanks to the Animalma anniversary in 2023, a donation from “Team Bolivia” and unrestricted donations, we were able to extend the accident and death insurance for the rangers of Madidi National Park for another year.
For the total amount of CHF 1’230, the 27 rangers are insured for a further 12 months from March 2024 in case anything should happen to them during their demanding work.
The insurance covers
Accidental death USD 10’000.-
Permanent partial or full invalidity USD 10’000.-
Reimbursement for medications USD 1’000.-
and has cost USD 51.72 per person.
The coverage started on 1st of March 2024 for one year.
The past year has shown that this form of support is of immense importance in an emergency. During the forest fires at the end of 2023, Ranger Alex Nay suffered serious lung poisoning during his missions and had to be transferred to a specialised clinic due to further symptoms. A cardiac arrhythmia (bradycardia) was diagnosed.
His basic insurance did not cover various investigations and medication, which was therefore covered by the accident insurance we took out.
Alex is now feeling better again and has been able to go on patrol again since February.
He would like to thank all Animalma donors for their help from afar during this difficult time. His story shows and confirms that our help is indeed effective.
We thank all guests from the Animalma anniversary ’23, the godmother of Janine Brechbühl as well as other anonymous donors, who gave us financial aid without a special purpose. You made this help possible.
It is thanks to you, that the rangers and their families can feel saver this year!
After “to love”, “to help” is the most beautiful verb in the world.
Like every year…
…Sarah is sponsoring her birthday to do something good – in Bolivia of course.
This year all gifts in form of donations will go again to a small but vital project: a centre at the edge of the Bolivian Amazon with materials to combat forest fires and capacitating voluntary firefighters. If fires or inundations occure within or nearby close nature protection areas (Madidi, Pilon Lajas, EBB), much needed help will be there quickly and efficiently.
All birthday donations will be used for the following materials:
Last year, the birthday donations went towards this project – which has already recruited 58 volunteer firefighters in the meantime and has also been given an official name:
Centro de formación de bomberos forestales voluntarios “Jaguares” (Training Center for Volunteer Forest Firefighters “Jaguares”).
This project is a private initiative by Marcos Uzquiano, who has been a park ranger and nature protection activist for many yeras. He has been awarded by the IUCN for his tireless efforts and has given half of the award money to his project. Sarah wants to support his idea and ensure that this project continues to grow.
Thank you so much for your support – every amount matters!
“Trees are poems that the earth writes in the sky.” Khalil Gibran
For 10 years with heart & soul in animal welfare – that’s Animalma in 2024.
Dear Animalma family
I wish you a happy new year from the bottom of my heart. In 2024 Animalma celebrates its 10th anniversary & you are all part of this story. Thank you for accompanying us, supporting us and thus making many small and big miracles possible in Bolivia.
At the beginning… a little nostalgia
This first round anniversary makes me nostalgic and so I think back to exactly 10 years ago when I was in Bolivia for the second time. On the one hand, it was the deep passion I felt every day caring for the Andean bears and turtles, but also the educational work with visitors of the Senda Verde Wildlife Refuge, and on the other hand the financial hardship of this project and the appalling extent of the illegal wildlife trade that made me decide to take the leap into animal welfare.
I wanted to acquire animal expertise and fundraising skills – and that’s what I did. Through my training as an animal keeper and animal welfare specialist, with fundraising and project management courses, the development of Animalma and, last but not least, through a lot of “learning by doing”.
In addition to this wide-ranging knowledge, it was above all fantastic human and animal companions who inspired, motivated and kept me going over short and long distances on this not always easy journey.
I thank you from the bottom of my heart – as Sarah, as the Animalma association and also on behalf of all the wild animals, nature reserves and activists in Bolivia, to whom we are reaching out from Switzerland to create a better, greener and more (bio)diverse future.
But a lot also happened in Bolivia and Switzerland in the second half of the year…
A bear cause
Thanks to the generous donations for the Animalma anniversary in 2022, the Senda Verde Wildlife Refuge was able to build a management enclosure for the two young Andean bears Thaky and Chojñita in mid 2023. This allowed them to move into their spacious, natural area, and the management enclosure ensures safe care and supervision.
In the following videos you can see the management enclosure on the left and get an insight into the acclimatisation phase (incl. intrigued neighbouring bear Tarkus) and on the right the development of Thaky and Chojñita as young bears up to their move into their enclosure.
The Andean bear (Tremarctos ornatus) is the only native bear species in South America and is threatened with extinction due to habitat loss and poaching. Mother bears leave their cubs in a safe place while they go in search of food. Poachers take advantage of this and steal the young animals to sell them as exotic pets. Thaky and Chojñita were only a few weeks old when they arrived at Senda Verde in October 21 – totally terrified and exhausted. They only survived thanks to the expert care they received at the sanctuary. Animalma supports precisely this daily care through the emergency fund for Senda Verde.
Emergency aid for forest fires
June to October is the dry season in Bolivia and therefore unfortunately also the season for slash-and-burn fires. It was a bad “season” – the lack of rainfall and extreme heatwaves made it easy for the man-made fires. In addition to the forests in the east of the country, the protected areas of Pilon Lajas and Madidi National Park in the north also were in flames. It was heartbreaking to follow the terrible news and to know that the rangers in these nature reserves have neither the necessary logistics nor protective materials, but are still doing everything they can to control the flames.
Thanks to our nature conservation campaign, we were able to provide emergency aid and supply a firefighting team of rangers with first aid materials, torches, tools and rehydration drinks.
Gerardo Pozo, our ranger on site, with the relief supplies for the firefighting team
Ranger Alex Nay suffered serious lung poisoning during his missions and had to be transferred to a specialised clinic due to further symptoms. A cardiac arrhythmia (bradycardia) was diagnosed.
His basic insurance did not cover various examinations and medication, which was therefore covered by the accident insurance we took out. Alex is now feeling better again and will be able to go on patrol again from February. He would like to thank all Animalma donors for their help from afar during this difficult time.
Ranger Alex Nay, Madidi National Park
Anniversary celebration
On November 11th there was another anniversary celebration to mark the 9th anniversary of Animalma. As in the previous year, the Animalma family met at the youth centre in Effretikon for dinner, a toast and a get-together.
The sales stand needed a second table because Patricia from our “Team Bolivia 2023” was handicrafting like crazy in advance and the girls also brought along their artistic crafts. Of course, there was also the obligatory presentation from me and a serenade for everyone present.
Thank you for the wonderful evening, the help before and during the event and all the donations received! Half of the roughly CHF 2,000 will go to the Senda Verde Wildlife Refuge and half to nature conservation in Bolivia.
Animalma on the radio
Our friend and supporter Raúl Calicaya Molina was also at the Animalma festival and invited me to his radio show “Voces de Latino America” (Voices from Latin America) shortly afterwards.
Although it was my second time in the studio with Raúl, I was once again incredibly nervous, because I was also there for the first time with my guitar and sang my song “From the woods” (minute 38). Have a listen – the interview is in Spanish and Swiss German, accompanied by beautiful and moving songs from Bolivia. Thanks also to Benny from “Team Bolivia 2023”, who accompanied me and was also interviewed 😉
Tortoise adoptions
Last year, the rangers of the Beni conservation area once again collected tortoise eggs to protect them from human consumption and ensure the conservation of the yellow-spotted river turtle.
Around 1000 tortoises were released into the wild after hatching. & here in Switzerland, there were many meaningful and sustainable Christmas presents in the form of a turtle adoption. The resulting donations of CHF 220 go directly back into the nature reserve “Reserva de la Biosfera Estación Biologica del Beni”.
On January 12th 2024, the turtles were released in the presence of children, supporters of the adoption programme and the local press.
What’s going on in 2024?!?
First of all, at the beginning of the year we do what I like to do best, namely
Distributing donations!
Because in addition to the big highlights mentioned above, every single financial support from you is always a reason for a dance of joy. & we’ve been able to dance quite often in the past few months 😉
To save on transfer fees, we collect your donations for a while (with the exception of emergency aid, of course) and then send them to Bolivia in a bundle. This wonderful work is due now and so I am able to bring the following aid to the local animal and nature conservation front:
CHF 800 will go to Senda Verde via our emergency fund and will be used for food and veterinary materials.
CHF 220 will go to the Beni nature reserve thanks to the turtle adoptions
We are extending the accident and death insurance for the Madidi’s rangers with the nature conservation share from the Animalma Festival 2023 and uncommitted donations
The additional CHF 1,000 from the Animalma anniversary will go to the Senda Verde Wildlife Refuge for free disposal – because I know exactly how valuable this flexibility is
Around CHF 1,000 will go to the “Centro de Formación de Bomberos Forestales Voluntarios Jaguares” volunteer forest firefighter project, which is currently being set up and was already supported on my last birthday
And because I – and hopefully you too – feel warm and fuzzy about this newsletter, all the highlights and assistance, we are of course continuing with our campaigns in this new year, which I would like to present to you again below.
Whether fighting or preventing forest fires, providing direct aid to activists on the front line or making donations in kind to the rangers in the protected areas – we stand up for nature conservation in Bolivia.
A free or unrestricted donation is not received for a certain campaign, but is sent to us without a specific purpose. Animalma decides where the aid goes, which gives us immensely valuable flexibility in our work.
Leave the purpose blank or note “unrestricted” to support us in this way.
Traceability is guaranteed at all times with unrestricted donations too.
We cover all expenses such as website, bank and transfer fees etc. through association-related donations. With the donation purpose “Animalma”, you can help our association grow and support our work.
The llamas & monkeys are loose
From left to right Raúl, Rosita, Pedro & Juanita
I am delighted to announce that there are now some very special handmade items available to buy, namely the enchanting llamas Pedro, Juanita, Rosita and Raúl as well as the monkey Canola from my friend Patricia. She travelled to Bolivia with me at the beginning of 2023 and is now dedicating her time and creativity to our cause. Many thanks dear Patricia!
You can order the crocheted friends here using the button below or by sending an email to info@animalma.org. All proceeds from the sale will go to our projects in Bolivia.
…first of all on holiday, to Borneo. New country, new culture, new animal and jungle worlds waiting to be explored. Recharging batteries is the resolution for February so I can come back strengthened and inspired.
I will probably go back to Bolivia in July / August and I am already looking forward to returning to my second home, hopefully with lots of donations from Switzerland in my luggage 😉 Your support makes this possible and I would like to thank you once again from the bottom of my heart.
But before I say goodbye for good, here is one last treat…
Do you want to leave too?
I dare to look far ahead and am contemplating the idea of organising another volunteer trip to Bolivia in 2025. It would take at least three weeks – the first two to get to know the highlights of the country (La Paz – Lake Titicaca – Uyuni salt desert – Madidi National Park) and then to the Senda Verde Wildlife Refuge for a work assignment to help the wild animals and get to know this project. Depending on the group composition, the programme can also be adapted to individual needs. An extended volunteer placement before or after the trip is possible. Please get in touch with me via info@animalma.org if you are interested in this adventure or be inspired by the travel report from Team Bolivia 2023.
With this foresight, I close this detailed newsletter and return to the here & now, to January 2024. I am looking forward to the anniversary year ahead of us and am excited to see where this year’s journey will take us dear Animalma family. Thank you for your support up to this point and hopefully to many more years in which we will be active in animal welfare together – as always with heart & soul.
“The least I can do is speak out for those who cannot do it for themselves.” Jane Gooddall
Over the past 9 years, we have been privileged to help countless animals in Bolivia. Here are the past completed milestones. Many thanks to all of our supporters!
We helped fund a nursery enclosure for young howler monkey orphans.
#SoSBolivia – La Chiquitania
Terrible, out-of-control slash-and-burn ravaged in La Chiquitania in the east of Bolivia in 2019.
With this awareness campaign (in German only), we reported on it & were able to send donations to the disaster area.
Rays for Bolivia
We wanted to fundraise a mobile X-ray machine, but could not reach the targeted amount. But Senda Verde got the desired device sponsored by the manufacturer – what a miracle!
With our donation we were able to purchase 2 laser devices for the clinic. The treatment significantly supports wound healing, post-ops and various skin problems.
The construction of a large aviary at Senda Verde Wildlife Refuge was our very first fundraising project.
We helped to give abused Amazon parrots a new home and the chance to finally learn to fly!
Our promise
We only support organizations and people that we know personally and can make sure that our donation will is used sustainably.
Every donation goes in full to the chosen project. Animalma finances its costs and any project expenses through association-related donations.
Our heart projects
The wildlife refuge Senda Verde (“The green path”) in Bolivia is more than just a project – it is family! A wild family, where victims of the illegal wildlife trade find a new home and active educational work about this problem is carried out.
Through several volunteer assignments on site, we know this very special spot on earth with its inhabitants and founders personally.
We passionately help them to realize new building projects and to spread their message:
Wild animals are not pets. Wild animals belong into the wild. And it is precisely these habitats that need to be protected.
We fulfill the last sentence of the above statement through various efforts in nature conservation.
Whether it is emergency aid in the case of forest fires, preventive measures in the form of training and protective materials – we help where we are needed. Bolivia’s protected areas and their rangers are particularly dear to our hearts.