Completed campaigns

Completed campaigns

Photo by Noelia Chalfoun

“The least I can do is speak out for those who cannot do it for themselves.” Jane Gooddall

Over the past 9 years, we have been privileged to help countless animals in Bolivia. Here are the past completed milestones. Many thanks to all of our supporters!

Our ongoing campaigns are under projects.

2020 / 2021

Howl of help from the howlers

We helped fund a nursery enclosure for young howler monkey orphans.


#SoSBolivia – La Chiquitania

Terrible, out-of-control slash-and-burn ravaged in La Chiquitania in the east of Bolivia in 2019.

With this awareness campaign (in German only), we reported on it & were able to send donations to the disaster area.


Rays for Bolivia

We wanted to fundraise a mobile X-ray machine, but could not reach the targeted amount. But Senda Verde got the desired device sponsored by the manufacturer – what a miracle!

With our donation we were able to purchase 2 laser devices for the clinic. The treatment significantly supports wound healing, post-ops and various skin problems.

This fundraising campaign was published only in German.

2014 – 2016

Giving wings

The construction of a large aviary at Senda Verde Wildlife Refuge was our very first fundraising project.

We helped to give abused Amazon parrots a new home and the chance to finally learn to fly!

Our promise

We only support organizations and people that we know personally and can make sure that our donation will is used sustainably.

Every donation goes in full to the chosen project. Animalma finances its costs and any project expenses through association-related donations.

Our heart projects

The wildlife refuge Senda Verde (“The green path”) in Bolivia is more than just a project – it is family! A wild family, where victims of the illegal wildlife trade find a new home and active educational work about this problem is carried out.

Through several volunteer assignments on site, we know this very special spot on earth with its inhabitants and founders personally.

We passionately help them to realize new building projects and to spread their message:

Wild animals are not pets. Wild animals belong into the wild. And it is precisely these habitats that need to be protected.

We fulfill the last sentence of the above statement through various efforts in nature conservation.

Whether it is emergency aid in the case of forest fires, preventive measures in the form of training and protective materials – we help where we are needed. Bolivia’s protected areas and their rangers are particularly dear to our hearts.

Chao 2021 and hello 2022

Chao 2021 and hello 2022

All pictures in this Newsletter have been taken by Noelia Chalfoun – She’s been working for Senda Verde for a few months and takes the most amazing portraits. Thank you Noelia!

Dearest Animalma-Family

As president of Animalma I want to wish you a wonderful 2022 this way and hope that all of you have started this year well.

I’m already in the finishing touches of planning my next trip to Bolivia. On the 4th of February I’ll be visiting my second home for five weeks. Prior to this I don’t want to miss my chance to show you our Animalma projects in this newsletter.

End of year = annual accounts

Accounting is not my favourite thing in the world. I’m all the more proud, when I can see all donation numbers clearly in our annual accounts.

These are my highlights; all of which have only been possible through your donations and support.

CHF 2’300.- have gone into the emergency account #SOSSendaVerde. These funds have helped with the daily food supply and primary care for our wildlife.

The new enclosure for the howler monkeys has finished construction at the end of 2021- thanks in part to the Animalma-Family, which has donated CHF 1’500 for this cause.

I’ll be able to supply pictures and videos of their new home after I return from Bolivia.

Our first step towards nature conservancy has been a success! CHF 2’600.- have been used at the following fronts:

CHF 500.- have been used to send Senda Verde’s Vet onto an emergency visit to the fire areas in Otuquis.

The group built an emergency enclosure for injured animals, and made sure there were plenty of wateringholes for the surviving animals- the most important immediate measures after the flaming hell they endured.

The Parkrangers from the reserve Beni now have basic firefighting equipment which we brought directly to them.

With the money from the Turtle-adoption we bought gas with which the rangers will be able to go on patrol through the reserve all through February.
Costs: CHF 225.-

The club treasury has also gotten many donations. For the first time ever I was able to cover all fixed costs with these donations – and there is still money left which will be used for merchandising for Animalma! ROAR

Thank you so much for all your donations – your help is arriving in Bolivia and is making a huge change!

Outlook 2022

From the beginning of February until the mid of March im in Bolivia. Besides visiting Senda Verde, I’ll also be visiting the rangers in the Beni reserve.

In addition to that I will fulfil one of my biggest dreams and I’ll be visiting one of the deepest parts of the amazon rainforest – the Madidi National park. One of the highest biodiversity in the world awaits me, which is sadly, currently being destroyed by deforestation, overexploitation and illegal trade of wild animals.

The topic of re-release of all challenges that come with that is constantly on my mind. They’ll be my constant companion on my what I call “research-trip”.

I’m so very excited for this new adventure and all the inspiration I will take back home with me. These will be the driving-force behind Animalma for 2022. As soon as I am back I will share all my experiences with you.

If you would like to donate anything for Bolivia that I can take with my on my trip, then these are your options:

A financial donation for the emergency account #SOSSendaVerde, which will help the animals of Senda Verde through the still ongoing Corona crisis.

A donation for the nature of Bolivia; you could either adopt a turtle, in which case the money will go to the rangers, or donate through our website with the purpose of “firefighting”. With this we will be able to have preventative measures for the next fire season in place.

I’m looking forward to an exciting 2022 with Animalma and with you. Stay healthy, take are and hasta luego!

Your Sarah

November newsletter: the travel report

November newsletter: the travel report

Dear Animalma family

“So how was it in Bolivia?” I’ve got asked many times over the past weeks. I’d love to answer with a simple “Awesome!”, but the honest answer is…

It was wonderful and devastating at the same time, with light and heavy moments…and as always, Bolivia was deeply inspiring.

It was wonderful to

Arrive at Senda Verde and see all those beautiful faces again – animal and human one’s of course.

Bring your donations directly and see their impact with every feeding time (thanks to the Emergency fund) and to observe the construction work for the nursery cage.

Get onto my mission “Matafuego” (Firefighting): I brought backpack pumps, fire extinguishers and breathing masks to the park rangers of the Beni station, thanks to my Swiss supporters. And I had the unique chance to accompany the rangers on their everyday work within their protected area – an unforgettable experience.

Another part of the donations enabled a veterinary from Senda Verde to go into the Otuquis national park. She was able to build a temporary cage for hurt animals as well as setting up much needed water stations throughout the burnt down areas.

Devastating because…

Due to the travel restrictions, there are nearly no volunteers at Senda Verde, who help with the care of the 900+ animals. It is the permanent workers facing this tough job every day for over 1.5 years now.

International tourism is still at a low point and the daily tours at the shelter are only booked on the weekends. Senda Verde is still far away from covering their daily costs through this income like they did before the pandemic.

Bolivia’s forests and their inhabitants are in a deep predicament; they are burnt down on a large scale to make space for the farming of cattle. Their ressources are extracted legally and illegaly – also in protected areas.

Also wildlife refuges, animal welfare activists and conservastionists in general face an extremely complex and difficult political situation. I felt fear and uncertainty, deep sorrow but also again and again hope and militancy.

And because of that, it was often light as a feather when…

I talked with old and new friends about Animalma, animal welfare, conservation and Bolivia in general. Feeling a deep connection while philosophizing about a better world for everyone.

The newly arrived baby Andean bear cuddled up in my lap, giving me all his trust when holding his afternoon nap on top of me.

One feels the travel spirit of limitless freedom, being completely alive with every fiber of your body and feeling right at home despite of the distance.

I walked with Ralph the “problem dog” through the lush green hills of the Yungas.

You fall into your bed tired but completely satisfied after a day in nature, caring for animals and doing research about the things that truly matter to you.

It was especially heavy to see that

Senda Verde is still in survival mode due to the lack of volunteers and tourists.

Additional wild animals arrive daily at the refuge – taken from nature by poachers, confused and at the end of their strength, being victims of illegal trafficking which destroys a little bit of nature’s balance with every animal taken from the wild.

Bolivia’s protected areas with their stunning biodiversity and indigenous people are a hassle to the government, as they just want to profit from these natural ressources. And that people who stand up against them have to be worried about their own safety.

But despite of the emotional rollercoaster, true inspiration prevails. I am inspired to

Keep pushing the Emergency fund for Senda Verde until tourism is back to normal. And to give the Howler campaign another last push to get the finishing touches inside the cage done.
Please share the following campaigns again over the next few weeks (“Christmas time is donation time!”):

#SOSSendaVerde – Emergency fund

Help the animal shelter Senda Verde through the Corona crisis. The emergency fund helps to feed the over 900 wild animals of the refuge.

Howl of help from the Howlers

The construcction of a nursery cage for the young Howler monkeys living at Senda Verde

Realise my idea of doing a yearly volunteer trip to Bolivia. Who is with me? The next adventure will be around February / March 2022. After that, the next chance to travel with me as your guide to Bolivia will be between January and March 2023. Details follow…

Set up a comprehensive campaign for the rangers and their protected areas and therefore doing the first step into nature conservation. Let’s take this first step today with a mini-campaign:
Until the end of November you can adopt turtles from the Beni region. To protect the eggs from being sold as food, the rangers have rescued them and put them safely on an artificial beach. Now the turtles are hatching and will be released back into the wild at the end of November. All the donations go to supporting the work of the park rangers and will have a real impact on the protection of the Beni region. Adopt your bunch of turtles today for only CHF 1.50 each:

Adopt a turtle

Support the rangers doing their vital conservation work by adopting a turtle. The donations go directly to preserve the protected area Reserva de la Biosfera Estación Biologica del Beni.

To finish it up

I look back on three intense weeks and am so greatful for this time spent in my second home. I feel deeply connected to Bolivia, its’ nature, animals and people – they are part of me and I am committed to keep standing up for them. I want to use this moment to give:

A huge THANK YOU to each and every donor!
You make my conservation work possible,
you all are my heroes!

Because pictures say more than words, I leave you with a gallery full of my favourite moments of this journey. See for yourself how our help arrives – it is truly beautiful. And who knows, maybe it inspires you to join me on my next adventure. 😉

Bolivia 2021 in pictures

Enjoy the gallery, have a wonderful festive season and I hope to have you back here for the next newsletter!

Your Sarah

Bolivia 2021 in pictures

Bolivia 2021 in pictures

Senda Verde

The green mountains of the Yungas region – down in the valley lays the refuge.
The bridge leads into the shelter…
Capi das Capybara
Silala, a heavily traumatised spider monkey, who could not have been integrated into the existing monkey troop so far.
View towards the capuchin area…
Without Carla, “Project Dron”…
Senda Verde from above
Scared by wildlife trafficking…
…but at least with a partner.
Carla: veterinary, animal activist and wonderful friend.
…would not have been finished so quickly and nicely!

The Emergency fund…

…is filling the food prep room…
…and feeds the animals of Senda Verde.

The Emergency fund was triggered by policital tensions in 2019 and just kept going feeding the 900+ animals of Senda Verde during the Corona crisis.

Animalma keeps fundraising for food supplies until tourism in Bolivia is back to normal.

Help the Emergy fund here

The how of help from the howlers…

…has been heard – the construction of the nursery cage is ongoing. The cage itself is finished, but the interior still needs to be financed.

The framework is finished – thanks to the donations of Animalma and the Senda Verde community. Amazing!
The young howlers are waiting (more or less) patiently in their temporary enclosure for their new home to be finished.

Howl of help from the Howlers

Mission Matafuego

Let the adventure begin…
The local press was present for the handover of the firefighting materials.
On the way to “Los Petos”
The artificial beach, where hundreds of turtle eggs could safely hatch.
On patrol with the rangers

On the river Maniqui – an unforgettable moment

Turtle Adoption programm

Mission Matafuego: Fire extinguishing and protection material for park rangers

Mission Matafuego: Fire extinguishing and protection material for park rangers

We help the green heroes, the rangers of the protected areas, in Bolivia – for example with fire fighting materials.

What started with a spontaneous call for donations for firefighting causes just before a trip to Bolivia in 2021, triggered the initial spark for our conservation efforts and established the contact to the rangers of the protected areas, which is so valuable for us.

Thanks to a large donation, we were able to buy three firefighting backpacks, four breathing masks and two fire extinguishers worth CHF 1’850.- and hand them over to the protected area “Reserva de la Biosfera Estación Biologica del Beni”.

These materials are very expensive, but the quality ultimately determines the effectiveness and safety during the operation and also the sustainability of the purchases.

The rangers are the people who know their protected area best and go out in case of fire; unfortunately often without the necessary protective equipment and extinguishing materials to effectively fight the fires and protect themselves in the process.

Therefore, we are especially happy about this first great success of the “Mission Matafuego” and thank from the bottom of our hearts…

……our longtime major donor, who makes such miracles possible again & again

& the company KPN for the materials including a conservation discount as well as

Benjamin Altofer & Marcos Uzquiano for the expert advice.

Our visit to the rangers as gallery

We are happy to share a few impressions of the Beni protected area and of the ceremonial handover of the donations below.

Spur-of-the-moment-newsletter September 2021

Spur-of-the-moment-newsletter September 2021

All eyes on Bolivia – Bolivia in our hearts

Dearest Animalma-family

I’m travelling to Bolivia on the 22nd of September to visit our heart project, the wildlife refuge Senda Verde. It still feels surreal and until my feet are firmly on bolivian soil on the 23rd, a million things could still go wrong.

At the same time, I can’t wait to arrive at Senda Verde and reunite with all the amazing animals and people after four long years. I’ll spend three weeks there on a personal timeout, but will also take lots of pictures and videos so I can show you where and how all your donations have helped maintaining and improving the lifes of many wild animals.

I thank each and everyone of you with all my heart for the tireless support you have shown…

…may it have been in the form of a financial donation or one in kind, for sharing our campaigns and also for every inspiring discussion about Animalma’s animal welfare work!

Of course I’ll also use this newsletter to promote our current campaigns. That way I can bring as many donations as possible directly to Bolivia.

Emergency fund

Tourism has still not recovererd from COVID restrictions, which is why we continue to cover as many foodsupplycosts as possible.

Howl of help from the howlers

The construction work for the nursery cage has begun – thanks to the already received donations through Animalma and other supporters of Senda Verde. Any further help will make sure that the baby monkeys can move in sooner.

PS: All the returns from Jeannine’s beautiful bracelets will go to this project from now on. Send your order to or directly to the artist via

Bolivia is burning

Like every year, the forests of Bolivia are burning. And like every year, countless animals burn alive. Whole ecosystems are destroyed forever. These lands are set on fire on purpose – to be used for agriculture.

This complex (and global) problem hits me at my very core and paralyses me each year anew, which is why I have decided to set up a periodic campaign. A mixture of raising awareness and funds for an emergency relief, beginning in 2022.

If you want to help the voluntary firefighters right now and send your help with me, you can do so through our general page by remarking you donation with «fire relief»:
Every amount is greatly appreciated. I would love to receive any and all feedback or inspiration concerning this new topic.

I won’t have any internet or mobile reception at the refuge, so if I get the chance I will report directly from Bolivia through Social Media. I will definitely update you in detail on Animalma’s website once I’ve returned in the end of October.

Until then I’ll say

„¡Hasta pronto!“, “Take good care of yourself” “Be kind to one another” &
“Always help an animal in need – wherever, whenever!”

Sarah from Animalma



Photo: Pagina Siete

The fires are back – act NOW!

Update on 14th of September 2020: As soon as some fires are extinguished, new ones emerge – right now close to Noel Kempff Mercado national park. Some fires enter from Brasil, others start due to the drought of climate change and others are set up intentionally. We are well aware that a legal solution is the only effective way to solve this problem, but the fires are raging NOW, so we want to help the countless volunteers NOW. Are you with us?

Zurich, 28th of July 2020: We have received several notifications about new fires in Bolivia over the past few days triggering painful memories of last years catastrophe (60’000 km2 land and 2 million animals burnt).

It breaks our heart to see our second home like this and that Bolivia is not only struggling due to Covid and political tensions, but has to fight the flames now too – with next to nothing… And it makes us angry that the laws enforcing the fires have not changed yet!

Desperate times call for courageous measures. These are ours:

1. Fundraising

We are collecting funds to combat the fires in Bolivia NOW. We want to help the voluntary firefighters who are risking their lives to stop the flames.

We are in contact with the organisation Standing Rivers / Rios de Pie. They are very well known all over Bolivia and have a wide network. They receive calls for help from the people in the affected areas. These helpers need:

Basic supplies

Equipment for their work like protective clothing, shoes, fire-extinguisher, helmets, firefighter-backpacks, first-aid kits, torch lights, petrol for their vehicles, rakes, axes etc.

Provisions – food and drinks for the volunteers

Big dreams

Drones and walkie-talkies to combat fires more efficiently – these are the big dreams since last year, which could not be realised so far.

Can we make the miracle happen? If you feel a call to fulfill these dreams, please contact us via

2. Political pressure

The people in power have to feel the power of the people!

We need pressure NOW and from every possible angle on the people in power – especially to support the firefighters and to abolish decree 3973 (which triggered last years fires).

Everyone from everywhere can help here!

Use the following hashtags and mentions or share the posts below (will be updated on the go).

And please if you have photos, videos and articles for us to publish, send them to


#Bolivia #SOSBolivia #SOSChiquitania #Yel3973?

@jeanineañez / #jeanineañezchavez #añez (Interim president of Bolivia)

@elva_pinckert / @AmbienteyAgua / #pinckert / #ministeriodemedioambieteyagua (Ministry of environment and water with Maria Elva Pinckert as minister)

#ABT (Autoridad de Fiscalicazion y Control Social de Bosques i Tierra = governmental institution controlling forests and land)

#SERNAP (Servicio Nacional de Areas Protegidas = Government agency for protected areas)

Posts to share

I cannot believe that one year after marching in #Switzerland for my second home #Bolivia, one year after the…

Gepostet von Sarah Fehr am Dienstag, 28. Juli 2020

Heute vor einem Jahr trat in Bolivien das Dekret 3973 in Kraft, welches die “kontrollierte Brandrodung” in den Regionen…

Gepostet von Animalma am Donnerstag, 9. Juli 2020

Update November 2019

Update November 2019

Photo thanks to Rumi

Dear diary…

How hectic it has been over the last weeks and months in Bolivia – the home of my heart! I am writing to you in order to process the policital situation as well as giving you an update on the animals of Senda Verde and the ones that have been hit by the recent fires.

Politics is always a complex topic, especially in a faraway country. Usually I do not care about it that much, but in Bolivia’s case it is a totally different story. Because you, dear diary, have never been to Bolivia with me, I’ll focus on the most important events and try to keep it short.

  • On 20th October 2019 presidential elections were held in Bolivia. Unfortunately, the vote of the people was not respected, the results were falsified and Evo Morales declared as winner.
  • Luckily the Bolivian community did not accept that and went into a general, peaceful protest that lasted for three weeks.
  • The police took the side of its’ people, which lead to the resignation of Evo Morales on the 10th of November.
  • The former president fled to Mexico where he continued to sow hate and racism.
  • The interim government is planning fair and transparent elections now.
  • The situation in Bolivia is still tense. Democracy isn’t safed just yet, but it is under way.

Additional to these facts I want to add here in my diary my personal view on the recent events in Bolivia:

The protests in Bolivia werent about Left against Right, not about Indigenous against White nor about the poor against the rich. It was about respecting the vote of the people and recuperating democracy itself.

I have been deeply inspired by the unity, strength, stamina, love and creativity of the Bolivian community during this hectic time. I am proud to be part of this movement and will continue to stand for the freedom of Bolivia.

Let’s continue to the topic you are eagerly waiting for… my animal welfare activities in Bolivia.

Fires in the Bolivian Amazon

A heavenly rain in the beginning of October finally calmed down the fires and made them manageable. Nevertheless, 60’000 km2 forest and grassland have been lost, 2’600’000 animals died horribly in the flames since August.

Due to the landwide protests in October and November, it was very difficult to help the survivors of this tragedy. The campaign of Senda Verde came to a complete stop and we lost valuable time. The situation is being analysed now and we are still raising funds for La Chiquitania – the region that has been hit the hardest by the fires.

Senda Verde Wildlife Refuge

My wild family’s daily expenses are usually covered by income from tourism and volunteers. As these means have come to a complete stop for four weeks and will only recover over time, essential funds are missing to ensure the maintenance of the shelter and its’ 835 inhabitants.

Essential food supplies like oat, milk powder and sunflower seeds are missing, which is why Senda Verde posted an emergency call. We have heard their cry and set up an emergency fund for them:

Please support this important campaign – with a donation and / or a valuable share on your Social Media channels.

With hope, love & inspiration
