Newsletter January 2024

Newsletter January 2024

“Trees are poems that the earth writes in the sky.” Khalil Gibran

For 10 years with heart & soul in animal welfare – that’s Animalma in 2024.

Dear Animalma family

I wish you a happy new year from the bottom of my heart. In 2024 Animalma celebrates its 10th anniversary & you are all part of this story. Thank you for accompanying us, supporting us and thus making many small and big miracles possible in Bolivia.

At the beginning… a little nostalgia

This first round anniversary makes me nostalgic and so I think back to exactly 10 years ago when I was in Bolivia for the second time. On the one hand, it was the deep passion I felt every day caring for the Andean bears and turtles, but also the educational work with visitors of the Senda Verde Wildlife Refuge, and on the other hand the financial hardship of this project and the appalling extent of the illegal wildlife trade that made me decide to take the leap into animal welfare.

I wanted to acquire animal expertise and fundraising skills – and that’s what I did. Through my training as an animal keeper and animal welfare specialist, with fundraising and project management courses, the development of Animalma and, last but not least, through a lot of “learning by doing”.

In addition to this wide-ranging knowledge, it was above all fantastic human and animal companions who inspired, motivated and kept me going over short and long distances on this not always easy journey.

Review 2023

We can look back on a 2023 packed with highlights – including milestones that I already mentioned in the last newsletter, such as the first volunteer trip to Bolivia in February, the accident and death insurance for the rangers of Madidi National Park, the young animal rights activists with their sales stand and my past birthday campaign, which will allow a wildfire protection centre continue to grow.

But a lot also happened in Bolivia and Switzerland in the second half of the year…

A bear cause

Thanks to the generous donations for the Animalma anniversary in 2022, the Senda Verde Wildlife Refuge was able to build a management enclosure for the two young Andean bears Thaky and Chojñita in mid 2023. This allowed them to move into their spacious, natural area, and the management enclosure ensures safe care and supervision.

In the following videos you can see the management enclosure on the left and get an insight into the acclimatisation phase (incl. intrigued neighbouring bear Tarkus) and on the right the development of Thaky and Chojñita as young bears up to their move into their enclosure.

The Andean bear (Tremarctos ornatus) is the only native bear species in South America and is threatened with extinction due to habitat loss and poaching. Mother bears leave their cubs in a safe place while they go in search of food. Poachers take advantage of this and steal the young animals to sell them as exotic pets.
Thaky and Chojñita were only a few weeks old when they arrived at Senda Verde in October 21 – totally terrified and exhausted. They only survived thanks to the expert care they received at the sanctuary. Animalma supports precisely this daily care through the emergency fund for Senda Verde.

Emergency aid for forest fires

June to October is the dry season in Bolivia and therefore unfortunately also the season for slash-and-burn fires. It was a bad “season” – the lack of rainfall and extreme heatwaves made it easy for the man-made fires. In addition to the forests in the east of the country, the protected areas of Pilon Lajas and Madidi National Park in the north also were in flames. It was heartbreaking to follow the terrible news and to know that the rangers in these nature reserves have neither the necessary logistics nor protective materials, but are still doing everything they can to control the flames.

Thanks to our nature conservation campaign, we were able to provide emergency aid and supply a firefighting team of rangers with first aid materials, torches, tools and rehydration drinks.

Gerardo Pozo, our ranger on site, with the relief supplies for the firefighting team

Ranger Alex Nay suffered serious lung poisoning during his missions and had to be transferred to a specialised clinic due to further symptoms. A cardiac arrhythmia (bradycardia) was diagnosed.

His basic insurance did not cover various examinations and medication, which was therefore covered by the accident insurance we took out. Alex is now feeling better again and will be able to go on patrol again from February. He would like to thank all Animalma donors for their help from afar during this difficult time.

Ranger Alex Nay, Madidi National Park

Anniversary celebration

On November 11th there was another anniversary celebration to mark the 9th anniversary of Animalma. As in the previous year, the Animalma family met at the youth centre in Effretikon for dinner, a toast and a get-together.

The sales stand needed a second table because Patricia from our “Team Bolivia 2023” was handicrafting like crazy in advance and the girls also brought along their artistic crafts. Of course, there was also the obligatory presentation from me and a serenade for everyone present.

Animalma on the radio

Our friend and supporter Raúl Calicaya Molina was also at the Animalma festival and invited me to his radio show “Voces de Latino America” (Voices from Latin America) shortly afterwards.

Although it was my second time in the studio with Raúl, I was once again incredibly nervous, because I was also there for the first time with my guitar and sang my song “From the woods” (minute 38). Have a listen – the interview is in Spanish and Swiss German, accompanied by beautiful and moving songs from Bolivia. Thanks also to Benny from “Team Bolivia 2023”, who accompanied me and was also interviewed 😉

Tortoise adoptions

Last year, the rangers of the Beni conservation area once again collected tortoise eggs to protect them from human consumption and ensure the conservation of the yellow-spotted river turtle.

Around 1000 tortoises were released into the wild after hatching. & here in Switzerland, there were many meaningful and sustainable Christmas presents in the form of a turtle adoption. The resulting donations of CHF 220 go directly back into the nature reserve “Reserva de la Biosfera Estación Biologica del Beni”.

On January 12th 2024, the turtles were released in the presence of children, supporters of the adoption programme and the local press.

What’s going on in 2024?!?

First of all, at the beginning of the year we do what I like to do best, namely

Distributing donations!

Because in addition to the big highlights mentioned above, every single financial support from you is always a reason for a dance of joy. & we’ve been able to dance quite often in the past few months 😉

To save on transfer fees, we collect your donations for a while (with the exception of emergency aid, of course) and then send them to Bolivia in a bundle. This wonderful work is due now and so I am able to bring the following aid to the local animal and nature conservation front:

  • CHF 800 will go to Senda Verde via our emergency fund and will be used for food and veterinary materials.
  • CHF 220 will go to the Beni nature reserve thanks to the turtle adoptions
  • We are extending the accident and death insurance for the Madidi’s rangers with the nature conservation share from the Animalma Festival 2023 and uncommitted donations
  • The additional CHF 1,000 from the Animalma anniversary will go to the Senda Verde Wildlife Refuge for free disposal – because I know exactly how valuable this flexibility is
  • Around CHF 1,000 will go to the “Centro de Formación de Bomberos Forestales Voluntarios Jaguares” volunteer forest firefighter project, which is currently being set up and was already supported on my last birthday

And because I – and hopefully you too – feel warm and fuzzy about this newsletter, all the highlights and assistance, we are of course continuing with our campaigns in this new year, which I would like to present to you again below.

Our campaigns

Protecting Bolivia’s nature

Whether fighting or preventing forest fires, providing direct aid to activists on the front line or making donations in kind to the rangers in the protected areas – we stand up for nature conservation in Bolivia.

#SOSSendaVerde – Emergency fund

Help the Senda Verde Wildlife Refuge through the aftermath of the corona crisis (yes, it is still being felt in Bolivia!).

The emergency fund provides food supplies and medical care for the more than 1000 animals at the reserve.

Adopt a turtle

For the symbolic amount of CHF 10, you can adopt a turtle in Bolivia & contribute to its conservation.

The adoption certificate is also perfect as a meaningful gift.

The free donation

A free or unrestricted donation is not received for a certain campaign, but is sent to us without a specific purpose. Animalma decides where the aid goes, which gives us immensely valuable flexibility in our work.

Leave the purpose blank or note “unrestricted” to support us in this way.

Traceability is guaranteed at all times with unrestricted donations too.

Advertising on our own behalf

We cover all expenses such as website, bank and transfer fees etc. through association-related donations. With the donation purpose “Animalma”, you can help our association grow and support our work.

The llamas & monkeys are loose

From left to right Raúl, Rosita, Pedro & Juanita

I am delighted to announce that there are now some very special handmade items available to buy, namely the enchanting llamas Pedro, Juanita, Rosita and Raúl as well as the monkey Canola from my friend Patricia. She travelled to Bolivia with me at the beginning of 2023 and is now dedicating her time and creativity to our cause. Many thanks dear Patricia!

You can order the crocheted friends here using the button below or by sending an email to All proceeds from the sale will go to our projects in Bolivia.

I’m loose too…

…first of all on holiday, to Borneo. New country, new culture, new animal and jungle worlds waiting to be explored. Recharging batteries is the resolution for February so I can come back strengthened and inspired.

I will probably go back to Bolivia in July / August and I am already looking forward to returning to my second home, hopefully with lots of donations from Switzerland in my luggage 😉 Your support makes this possible and I would like to thank you once again from the bottom of my heart.

But before I say goodbye for good, here is one last treat…

Do you want to leave too?

I dare to look far ahead and am contemplating the idea of organising another volunteer trip to Bolivia in 2025. It would take at least three weeks – the first two to get to know the highlights of the country (La Paz – Lake Titicaca – Uyuni salt desert – Madidi National Park) and then to the Senda Verde Wildlife Refuge for a work assignment to help the wild animals and get to know this project.
Depending on the group composition, the programme can also be adapted to individual needs. An extended volunteer placement before or after the trip is possible. Please get in touch with me via if you are interested in this adventure or be inspired by the travel report from Team Bolivia 2023.

With this foresight, I close this detailed newsletter and return to the here & now, to January 2024. I am looking forward to the anniversary year ahead of us and am excited to see where this year’s journey will take us dear Animalma family. Thank you for your support up to this point and hopefully to many more years in which we will be active in animal welfare together – as always with heart & soul.

Saludos y abrazos
Your Sarah & Animalma

Newsletter 2023

Newsletter 2023

Making a big difference in small steps – this is Animalma. Also in 2023.

Dear Animalma family

It has been quiet here in the news section for a while, although a lot has happened since the end of last year and the beginning of 2023. I’m happy to give you, dear supporters, an update on what’s been going on.

8 years Animalma

On the 29th of October we celebrated Animalma’s 8th anniversary with a great food buffet, a sweet stall and a presentation of our history. It was just wonderful to spend the evening with you all – looking back and celebrating what we have achieved together for and in Bolivia.

I still think back to this event with a big smile on my face and want to thank everyone for being there. A special “Gracias” goes out to Ximena for her beautiful handicrafts and for managing the sales.

If you also want to remember this evening, you can do so through the following post:

8 years Animalma

Animalma was founded on the 22nd of October 2014 – so it was high time to finally celebrate our anniversary.
A large part of the Animalma family found their way to the youth club in Effretikon on the 29th October 2022 for the birthday party.

Going back home

In January I treated myself to a one month timeout in Costa Rica; a country well known for its high standards of animal welfare and nature conservation. It was fascinating to see how humans and animals coexist mostly peacefully next to eatch other – an achievement made possible by decent and free education, as well as strict laws and even stricter enforcement.

Relaxed and with new strength I headed on to Bolivia, where my friends and projects were waiting for me. With the donation pot as full as never before, I couldn’t wait to get it right there to the front where it belongs.

Here are the highlights made possible by your donations:

The most heartwarming donation…

…came from Anna, Finja, Iara and Kian. These four young animal welfarists were so inspired after the Animalma anniversary, that they started making handicrafts the day after and sold them in their neighbourhood.

They raised CHF 300, which I used to buy nappies, special milk powder and vitamins for the baby monkeys at Senda Verde Wildlife Refuge. These are vital but expensive items for the sanctuary and they were over the moon when I told them the story behind this very special donation.

This dedication deserves its own post: Little animal welfarists going big.

The most consistent support…

…keeps going on thanks to the Emergency Fund for Senda Verde and the refuge is very grateful for our continuous contribution to food and medical supplies for the animals.

Several individual and monthly donations added up to an amazing amout of CHF 1’000.- assisting with the daily care of the 1000 wild animals living at Senda Verde. We are keeping up this vital campaign:

#SOSSendaVerde – Emergency fund

Help the animal shelter Senda Verde through the afthermath of the Corona crisis.
The emergency fund helps to feed the 1000 wild animals of the refuge and gives them medical care.

The most innovative help…

…was made possible by our anniversary. I promised to donate a third of all donations to a conservation cause, and this came in the form of an accident and life insurance policy for the 27 park rangers working in Madidi National Park.

Since March, the rangers and their families will be taken care of in case of an accident or worse, which is a great relief in this high-risk job.

Only you, dear Animalma family, have made this huge milestone possible. Once again, there are no words to express the gratitude of the rangers, nor my own. So I’ll just say THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart.

This very special help has its own post too.

Setting up the insurance in Februar 2023 with the “jefe de protección” of the Madid National Park and thanks to the activist Marcos Uzquiano.

& also the most personal campaign…

…my yearly birthday appeal, goes to conservation. All your gifts in form of donations will help setting up a new fire prevention centre in Rurrenabaque. Perfectly located between the nature reserves Madidi, Pilon Lajas and the EBB, this project will provide a central storage and distribution point for fire-fighting equipment, as well as training for volunteer firefighters.

The volunteer journey

Next to all the miracles made possible by your support, there was another highlight waiting: the very first volunteer trip through Bolivia.

A small but powerful group of the Animalma family visited me in Bolivia and the two week journey was full of adventure and inspiration:

  • We strolled through the lievely, colourful streets and markets of La Paz – at a leisurely pace due to the altitude.
  • We cruised the Titicaca lake and followed the traces of the first Incas on the sun island.
  • We stood in awe in the middle of the Uyuni salt flats, watching the stary night give way to a legendary sunrise.
  • We visited the Bolivian Amazon rainforest, encountered sloths, primates and birds and listened to the wisdom of wonderful people, letting us know their culture.
  • & we finished our trip by volunteering at Senda Verde, taking care of animals as diverse as Andean bears, butterflies, tapirs and various primates.

It was incredibe to show “my Bolivia” to my supporters and friends. Despite altitude sickness, countless mosquito bites and many hours on rocky roads, there was only one conclusion: Bolivia is amazing! & the whole “Team Bolivia” wants to go back one day – but for longer. 😊

Team Bolivia – The travel report

Here it is – the travel report of our very first volunteer trip. Find out more about the places we visited & get lost in the Bolivian feeling by browsing through the photo galleries.

& what’s next?

Once again this trip to Bolivia has strengthened me in my mission: Animalma makes a big difference in small steps. And we continue to do so – currently through the following campaigns:

#SOSSendaVerde – Emergency fund

Help the animal shelter Senda Verde through the afthermath of the Corona crisis.
The emergency fund helps to feed the 1000 wild animals of the refuge and gives them medical care.

Protecting Bolivia’s nature

Whether it is fighting and preventing forest fires, providing direct aid to frontline activists, or donating equipment to rangers in protected areas, we are working to protect Bolivia’s environment.

This vital work finally has its’ proper campaign site too, hopefully reaching even more supporters.

There will be another celebration of Animalma’s 9th anniversary in the autumn. It will most likely take place on the 11th of November – details to follow 😉.

Apart from that, 2023 has been declared a “cleanup year”. Overhauling the website, optimising the newsletter & flyer, creating a meaningful give-away and many more to-do’s and inspirations are waiting to be brought to life and finally get the space they need.

I wish you all a wonderful, relaxing summer and hope to see you all in autumn at the Animalma celebration at the latest. Thank you so much for your loyal support – it means the world to me! <3

Your Sarah
from Animalma

Summer newsletter 2022

Summer newsletter 2022

Making a big difference in small steps – this is Animalma.

Dear Animalma-Family

I am so happy to finally write this newsletter for you. It is full of pictures of my Bolivia trip from February / March and will show you what your help has achieved on site and what we have made possible during this year. We also have a peek what the future holds and I have fantastic news! But let’s take it step by step…

La Senda Verde

Our heart project is now home to 950 animals – every week, new victims of wildlife trafficking arrive at the shelter. Tourism is only recuperating slowly, international visitors and volunteers are still scarce. All the more reason to be happy and proud, that I arrived with CHF 1’000.- in donations to help out our wildlife family and that another CHF 350.- came in during my stay. Vicky’s words “You’ve saved us” symbolize the harsh situation Senda Verde is still facing.

The enclosure for the howler monkeys is finished and the youngsters are enjoying this save space and especially its’ height. The caretakers are also very happy about the easier and safer management.

A huge THANK YOU to all the supporters of both campaigns; the following video is for you:

PS: For once the shelter was busy as a bee hive when I arrived in February. The famous photographer Nick Brandt and his massive crew were at Senda Verde for a whole month. The results are absolutely stunning and the big hope of Vicky and Marcelo to spread their message internationally and receive more support. You can check out his amazing work here.

My first conclusion: Our emergency fund is still vital – we keep on pushing it!

#SOSSendaVerde – Emergency fund

Help the animal shelter Senda Verde through the Corona crisis. The emergency fund helps to feed the over 950 wild animals of the refuge and gives them medical care.

Ranger style

I travelled on to visit the rangers of the Beni nature reserve.

They proudly showed me the petrol they’ve purchased thanks to our turtle adoption program from last year. We enabled them to patrol within their protected area for two whole months.

Adopt a turtle now and support nature conservation in Bolivia.

There was a small donation in my bag pack from another turtle donation, but I was wondering what we could acutally achieve with CHF 40.-… Do you know what? Quiet a lot – like fixing two motorbikes and treat the 7 horses of the camp El Porvenir against parasites and with vitamine B!

Conclusion #2: No donation is too small to spark a miracle!

Before I left, an anonymous birthday donation refilled the petrol reserve of the Beni rangers. There are no words which would truly do justice to describe the greatfulness of the people on-site. All I can say is, that I’m completely enchanted every time I can help directly, specifically and exactly when it is needed.

Thank you for your trust, thank you all for your valuable support!

In love with Madidi

I did it – I’ve realized my dream of going into the Bolivian Amazon! It was magical, adventurous, wild, enchanting… and unsettling.

I was standing under trees that are more than 300 years old – mighty beings full of wisdom, which put us humans back in our place and make our megalomania disappear for a moment. Seeing my first howler monkey in the wild made me tear up; on one hand out of pure happiness and humility. On the other hand because I knew during this whole trip that illegal gold mining further up the river is destroying all the stunning nature around me.

The Madidi National Park is the protected area with the highest biodiversity worldwide and it is getting destructed right now in front of our eyes out of greed for money. This disaster accompanied me during my whole stay in Bolivia and hit me hard. So I posted about it, I wrote to let the grief out, I gave a little interview within my beloved Madidi and I was able to push this topic through my journalist friend Edwin… but I honestly still stand puzzled in front of this massive disaster.

Thanks from the heart to everyone who donated to my guerilla campaign for the Madidi. Part of your help supported people fighting at the forefront, the rest is still waiting to hit the miners where it hurts the most.

I got to know the Madidi rangers during my trip and am pleased that we could bring back light and power to the checkpoint “El Bala”, thanks to another donation. Three new batteries put the existing solar panels back up and running and provide electricity for the rangers, making their vital work a whole lot easier for the next two years. Thank you Fabian!

So what’s the main conclusion of my journey?

Small good deeds can have a massive impact, especially when carried out right on the spot.
As valuable as the monetary worth and their effects is the moral support for the animal rights activists and nature conservationists on the forefront receiving our help.

They are moved profoundly that there are people in faraway Switzerland caring about Bolivia and engaging in their mission. Knowing this gives them willpower, hope and new courage to continue their fight.

What happened since

Even though it was quiet around Animalma on the outside, a lot of stuff has happened since I’m back in Switzerland:

  • We sent another donation through the Emergency fund to Senda Verde and are continuously supporting the primary care of the wildlife shelter.
  • Thanks to the purchase of the firefighting equipment last year, we set the base to connect the company KPN with the Beni rangers. Together they organised a course in preventing & controling forest fires for the park rangers of different protected areas, voluntary firefighters & indigenous communities in June.
  • We’ve received a generous donation and already used part of it for more firefighting equipment for the rangers. The rest of the money is ready immediately, if the situation literally gets heated up and emergency relief to combat wildfires is needed. We are in the middle of the dry season in Bolivia and dry season means slash-and-burn season…

Become part of our story / Forecast

If you have read until this very line (sorry my newsletter always get longer as expected), you are probably feeling a certain fascination for Bolivia and / or Animalma’s work. Become part of our story…

Volunteer trip 2023

What started as a crazy idea back in 2020 and was on hold during Corona now becomes reality! From end of February until mid March I am organising the very first volunteer journey to Bolivia. Get to know Senda Verde, the rangers and the stunning Bolivian nature. Let yourself get charmed, inspired and maybe even healed… 😉

I will be your tourguide and together we are going to travel through my spirit home, help out in different projects and also just enjoy the South American vibe and adventure.
If you want to join, write me an e-mail to

It’s Animalma’s birthday

Animalma turns 8 years old in October and I want to use this opportunity to celebrate with all of you and finally bring the Animalma-family together again. Location and program are still wide open, but please already book Saturday 29th of October 2022.

Ideas / Inputs needed

Of course you can actively support me and Animalma from Switzerland aswell. Right now I’m looking for:

  • Someone who loves research and would check a little list of laws so I can import the famous Madidi coffee and wild bee honey from Bolivia.
  • Creative hands crafting goods with donated materials to be sold before Christmas.
  • People who want to support the bday bash (location hint, behind the bar, with food or a stunt for everyone…)
  • Cool ideas for merchandising products. An association-bound donation is waiting for a while now to be put to use for sustainable goodies. Let me know your inputs in the comment section below or via

I always appreciate feedback and ideas from the Animalma family on how we can spread our message even further and increase our impact.

Nevertheless, I want to finish this newsletter with the insight sticking with me the most from my last journey:

In small steps we are making a big difference for the animals, people and nature on the ground. Thank you to each and every donor – you make all of this possible!

Your Sarah from Animalma

Chao 2021 and hello 2022

Chao 2021 and hello 2022

All pictures in this Newsletter have been taken by Noelia Chalfoun – She’s been working for Senda Verde for a few months and takes the most amazing portraits. Thank you Noelia!

Dearest Animalma-Family

As president of Animalma I want to wish you a wonderful 2022 this way and hope that all of you have started this year well.

I’m already in the finishing touches of planning my next trip to Bolivia. On the 4th of February I’ll be visiting my second home for five weeks. Prior to this I don’t want to miss my chance to show you our Animalma projects in this newsletter.

End of year = annual accounts

Accounting is not my favourite thing in the world. I’m all the more proud, when I can see all donation numbers clearly in our annual accounts.

These are my highlights; all of which have only been possible through your donations and support.

CHF 2’300.- have gone into the emergency account #SOSSendaVerde. These funds have helped with the daily food supply and primary care for our wildlife.

The new enclosure for the howler monkeys has finished construction at the end of 2021- thanks in part to the Animalma-Family, which has donated CHF 1’500 for this cause.

I’ll be able to supply pictures and videos of their new home after I return from Bolivia.

Our first step towards nature conservancy has been a success! CHF 2’600.- have been used at the following fronts:

CHF 500.- have been used to send Senda Verde’s Vet onto an emergency visit to the fire areas in Otuquis.

The group built an emergency enclosure for injured animals, and made sure there were plenty of wateringholes for the surviving animals- the most important immediate measures after the flaming hell they endured.

The Parkrangers from the reserve Beni now have basic firefighting equipment which we brought directly to them.

With the money from the Turtle-adoption we bought gas with which the rangers will be able to go on patrol through the reserve all through February.
Costs: CHF 225.-

The club treasury has also gotten many donations. For the first time ever I was able to cover all fixed costs with these donations – and there is still money left which will be used for merchandising for Animalma! ROAR

Thank you so much for all your donations – your help is arriving in Bolivia and is making a huge change!

Outlook 2022

From the beginning of February until the mid of March im in Bolivia. Besides visiting Senda Verde, I’ll also be visiting the rangers in the Beni reserve.

In addition to that I will fulfil one of my biggest dreams and I’ll be visiting one of the deepest parts of the amazon rainforest – the Madidi National park. One of the highest biodiversity in the world awaits me, which is sadly, currently being destroyed by deforestation, overexploitation and illegal trade of wild animals.

The topic of re-release of all challenges that come with that is constantly on my mind. They’ll be my constant companion on my what I call “research-trip”.

I’m so very excited for this new adventure and all the inspiration I will take back home with me. These will be the driving-force behind Animalma for 2022. As soon as I am back I will share all my experiences with you.

If you would like to donate anything for Bolivia that I can take with my on my trip, then these are your options:

A financial donation for the emergency account #SOSSendaVerde, which will help the animals of Senda Verde through the still ongoing Corona crisis.

A donation for the nature of Bolivia; you could either adopt a turtle, in which case the money will go to the rangers, or donate through our website with the purpose of “firefighting”. With this we will be able to have preventative measures for the next fire season in place.

I’m looking forward to an exciting 2022 with Animalma and with you. Stay healthy, take are and hasta luego!

Your Sarah

November newsletter: the travel report

November newsletter: the travel report

Dear Animalma family

“So how was it in Bolivia?” I’ve got asked many times over the past weeks. I’d love to answer with a simple “Awesome!”, but the honest answer is…

It was wonderful and devastating at the same time, with light and heavy moments…and as always, Bolivia was deeply inspiring.

It was wonderful to

Arrive at Senda Verde and see all those beautiful faces again – animal and human one’s of course.

Bring your donations directly and see their impact with every feeding time (thanks to the Emergency fund) and to observe the construction work for the nursery cage.

Get onto my mission “Matafuego” (Firefighting): I brought backpack pumps, fire extinguishers and breathing masks to the park rangers of the Beni station, thanks to my Swiss supporters. And I had the unique chance to accompany the rangers on their everyday work within their protected area – an unforgettable experience.

Another part of the donations enabled a veterinary from Senda Verde to go into the Otuquis national park. She was able to build a temporary cage for hurt animals as well as setting up much needed water stations throughout the burnt down areas.

Devastating because…

Due to the travel restrictions, there are nearly no volunteers at Senda Verde, who help with the care of the 900+ animals. It is the permanent workers facing this tough job every day for over 1.5 years now.

International tourism is still at a low point and the daily tours at the shelter are only booked on the weekends. Senda Verde is still far away from covering their daily costs through this income like they did before the pandemic.

Bolivia’s forests and their inhabitants are in a deep predicament; they are burnt down on a large scale to make space for the farming of cattle. Their ressources are extracted legally and illegaly – also in protected areas.

Also wildlife refuges, animal welfare activists and conservastionists in general face an extremely complex and difficult political situation. I felt fear and uncertainty, deep sorrow but also again and again hope and militancy.

And because of that, it was often light as a feather when…

I talked with old and new friends about Animalma, animal welfare, conservation and Bolivia in general. Feeling a deep connection while philosophizing about a better world for everyone.

The newly arrived baby Andean bear cuddled up in my lap, giving me all his trust when holding his afternoon nap on top of me.

One feels the travel spirit of limitless freedom, being completely alive with every fiber of your body and feeling right at home despite of the distance.

I walked with Ralph the “problem dog” through the lush green hills of the Yungas.

You fall into your bed tired but completely satisfied after a day in nature, caring for animals and doing research about the things that truly matter to you.

It was especially heavy to see that

Senda Verde is still in survival mode due to the lack of volunteers and tourists.

Additional wild animals arrive daily at the refuge – taken from nature by poachers, confused and at the end of their strength, being victims of illegal trafficking which destroys a little bit of nature’s balance with every animal taken from the wild.

Bolivia’s protected areas with their stunning biodiversity and indigenous people are a hassle to the government, as they just want to profit from these natural ressources. And that people who stand up against them have to be worried about their own safety.

But despite of the emotional rollercoaster, true inspiration prevails. I am inspired to

Keep pushing the Emergency fund for Senda Verde until tourism is back to normal. And to give the Howler campaign another last push to get the finishing touches inside the cage done.
Please share the following campaigns again over the next few weeks (“Christmas time is donation time!”):

#SOSSendaVerde – Emergency fund

Help the animal shelter Senda Verde through the Corona crisis. The emergency fund helps to feed the over 900 wild animals of the refuge.

Howl of help from the Howlers

The construcction of a nursery cage for the young Howler monkeys living at Senda Verde

Realise my idea of doing a yearly volunteer trip to Bolivia. Who is with me? The next adventure will be around February / March 2022. After that, the next chance to travel with me as your guide to Bolivia will be between January and March 2023. Details follow…

Set up a comprehensive campaign for the rangers and their protected areas and therefore doing the first step into nature conservation. Let’s take this first step today with a mini-campaign:
Until the end of November you can adopt turtles from the Beni region. To protect the eggs from being sold as food, the rangers have rescued them and put them safely on an artificial beach. Now the turtles are hatching and will be released back into the wild at the end of November. All the donations go to supporting the work of the park rangers and will have a real impact on the protection of the Beni region. Adopt your bunch of turtles today for only CHF 1.50 each:

Adopt a turtle

Support the rangers doing their vital conservation work by adopting a turtle. The donations go directly to preserve the protected area Reserva de la Biosfera Estación Biologica del Beni.

To finish it up

I look back on three intense weeks and am so greatful for this time spent in my second home. I feel deeply connected to Bolivia, its’ nature, animals and people – they are part of me and I am committed to keep standing up for them. I want to use this moment to give:

A huge THANK YOU to each and every donor!
You make my conservation work possible,
you all are my heroes!

Because pictures say more than words, I leave you with a gallery full of my favourite moments of this journey. See for yourself how our help arrives – it is truly beautiful. And who knows, maybe it inspires you to join me on my next adventure. 😉

Bolivia 2021 in pictures

Enjoy the gallery, have a wonderful festive season and I hope to have you back here for the next newsletter!

Your Sarah

Bolivia 2021 in pictures

Bolivia 2021 in pictures

Senda Verde

The green mountains of the Yungas region – down in the valley lays the refuge.
The bridge leads into the shelter…
Capi das Capybara
Silala, a heavily traumatised spider monkey, who could not have been integrated into the existing monkey troop so far.
View towards the capuchin area…
Without Carla, “Project Dron”…
Senda Verde from above
Scared by wildlife trafficking…
…but at least with a partner.
Carla: veterinary, animal activist and wonderful friend.
…would not have been finished so quickly and nicely!

The Emergency fund…

…is filling the food prep room…
…and feeds the animals of Senda Verde.

The Emergency fund was triggered by policital tensions in 2019 and just kept going feeding the 900+ animals of Senda Verde during the Corona crisis.

Animalma keeps fundraising for food supplies until tourism in Bolivia is back to normal.

Help the Emergy fund here

The how of help from the howlers…

…has been heard – the construction of the nursery cage is ongoing. The cage itself is finished, but the interior still needs to be financed.

The framework is finished – thanks to the donations of Animalma and the Senda Verde community. Amazing!
The young howlers are waiting (more or less) patiently in their temporary enclosure for their new home to be finished.

Howl of help from the Howlers

Mission Matafuego

Let the adventure begin…
The local press was present for the handover of the firefighting materials.
On the way to “Los Petos”
The artificial beach, where hundreds of turtle eggs could safely hatch.
On patrol with the rangers

On the river Maniqui – an unforgettable moment

Turtle Adoption programm

Spur-of-the-moment-newsletter September 2021

Spur-of-the-moment-newsletter September 2021

All eyes on Bolivia – Bolivia in our hearts

Dearest Animalma-family

I’m travelling to Bolivia on the 22nd of September to visit our heart project, the wildlife refuge Senda Verde. It still feels surreal and until my feet are firmly on bolivian soil on the 23rd, a million things could still go wrong.

At the same time, I can’t wait to arrive at Senda Verde and reunite with all the amazing animals and people after four long years. I’ll spend three weeks there on a personal timeout, but will also take lots of pictures and videos so I can show you where and how all your donations have helped maintaining and improving the lifes of many wild animals.

I thank each and everyone of you with all my heart for the tireless support you have shown…

…may it have been in the form of a financial donation or one in kind, for sharing our campaigns and also for every inspiring discussion about Animalma’s animal welfare work!

Of course I’ll also use this newsletter to promote our current campaigns. That way I can bring as many donations as possible directly to Bolivia.

Emergency fund

Tourism has still not recovererd from COVID restrictions, which is why we continue to cover as many foodsupplycosts as possible.

Howl of help from the howlers

The construction work for the nursery cage has begun – thanks to the already received donations through Animalma and other supporters of Senda Verde. Any further help will make sure that the baby monkeys can move in sooner.

PS: All the returns from Jeannine’s beautiful bracelets will go to this project from now on. Send your order to or directly to the artist via

Bolivia is burning

Like every year, the forests of Bolivia are burning. And like every year, countless animals burn alive. Whole ecosystems are destroyed forever. These lands are set on fire on purpose – to be used for agriculture.

This complex (and global) problem hits me at my very core and paralyses me each year anew, which is why I have decided to set up a periodic campaign. A mixture of raising awareness and funds for an emergency relief, beginning in 2022.

If you want to help the voluntary firefighters right now and send your help with me, you can do so through our general page by remarking you donation with «fire relief»:
Every amount is greatly appreciated. I would love to receive any and all feedback or inspiration concerning this new topic.

I won’t have any internet or mobile reception at the refuge, so if I get the chance I will report directly from Bolivia through Social Media. I will definitely update you in detail on Animalma’s website once I’ve returned in the end of October.

Until then I’ll say

„¡Hasta pronto!“, “Take good care of yourself” “Be kind to one another” &
“Always help an animal in need – wherever, whenever!”

Sarah from Animalma

1st Update 2020 – 2nd try

1st Update 2020 – 2nd try
The cover picture of our lost January-Update

Dear diary

My last entry from end of January was lost due to technical problems on our website

Instead of re-writing it, I’ve decided to make one massive update covering all the highlights since the beginning of the year. And because we are all in lockdown now, I’m adding a lot of pictures, posts and videos.

As you will see, it has been a quarter full of “firsts”…

1st live interview on Facebook

On 20th of January I met the Bolivian journalist Edwin Perez Uberhuaga, publisher of the magazine “Aqui Latinos”. In my very first live interview we talked about the illegal wildlife trade in Bolivia and I presented the work of Animalma and Senda Verde.

Here you can watch the interview and brush up your Spanish skills

Edwin was in Bolivia in February, visited the refuge himself and obviously kept filming. Check out his videos here:

Interview with Vicky Ossio including jaguars, Andean bears & co.

The volunteers of Senda Verde

Marcelo Levy about the illegal wildlife trade and the mission of Senda Verde – while having a spider monkey baby around his neck

He also wrote an article about Senda Verde in the March issue of his magazine.

Senda Verde featured in “Latinos Aqui” (page 16 / 17)

1st radio interview

Through the interview with Edwin I’ve got invited by Raul Calizaya to join him as a guest in his radio programm “Voces de Latinoamerica” on Radio Stadtfilter. We talked in German and Spanish about wildlife trafficking in Bolivia and the devastating fires from last year.

I was excited that Vicky Ossio from Senda Verde joined us live from Bolivia and that we were able to present our animal welfare project in Switzerland.

Our interview on “Voces de Latinoamerica” can be listened to anytime online:

1st talent donation

An extra-wonderful first came end of January: my dear, talented, creative friend Jeannine contacted me to make a talent donation.

She knots beautiful bracelets which I can sell now for Animalma. The profit from the sale and her work are donated towards my project and I’m still over the moon by this kind and awesome gesture.


I give you a little teaser of her work – if you are interested in ordering a bracelet let me know via

1st BLICK-interview

Thanks to my apprenticeship at the foundation TierRettungsDienst I had the chance to have my very first media experience last year. In December BLICK (a big media brand in Switzerland) published a video interview of me presenting the job profile of an animal keeper and mid February an article was published online.

Read the article on and practice your German skills

Watch my interview here and test your Swiss German knowledge!

1st bday-fundraiser-event

My February was filled with birthday preparations as I organised a fundraiser event for the very first time. As my biggest wish – to celebrate my 33rd birthday in Bolivia – was not fulfilled, I decided to do something FOR Bolivia here in Switzerland.

A zero-budget-event turned into an amazing, colorful evening thanks to the support of friends and family and together we collected a stunning amount of CHF 5’110.- in donations for our Emergency fund.

I’ve teared up while writing the last sentence as I am still deeply touched by the generositiy and love from everyone for me and my project.
I thank you with all my heart for the best bday gift ever – the biggest donation in the history of Animalma. What a start into my “Jesus year”!

Check out the bday-post including pictures and my presentation

1st lockdown

And now? Now we are all in lockdown, our lifes slowed down and it’s all about #stayathome #flattenthecurve and #covid19.

Bolivia is under quarantine too, Senda Verde had to close its’ doors and again vital tourism income and volunteers are missing. This is why I keep the Emergency fund up and running as donations for food and medical supplies are now even more needed than before.

At the same time I do believe that this situation is also a chance…

…a chance to combat illegal wildlife trade, which gained medial attention through Covid.

….hopefully a chance for humanity to finally correct its’ destructive way!

….and a chance for each and everyone of us. We are forced to slow down and to have a good look at ourselves. We feel locked away like zoo animals… And hopefully think about how we treat nature, animals and our planet as a whole. Rethink our values. Take responsibility for our actions.

And hey don’t forget that you can still do a lot of good for our animals during lockdown. Here are a few examples…

For our wildlife

…plant bee- and bird-friendly flowers and plants on your balcony.

…instead of having a groomed lawn, go for an untamed meadow being a paradise for bees and other insects. Add some bushes to make the hedgehogs feel welcome too.

…and if you live in the city feed the pigeons (with pigeon fodder please!)

For our farm animals

Rethink your consumer behaviour – in general but especially when it comes to animal products. Scan your products with the app CodeCheck, research your meat labels on, look for vegetarian / vegan alternatives and try them out!

We all have more than enough time to do so and can make an important impact towards reducing animal suffering and global pollution.

For our domestic (shelter) animals

I am currently looking after the cat of a friend and I am so glad to have this feline companion in this otherwise lonely lockdown. Isn’t it amazing how much an animal can give back? At the same time I read a lot of reports about abandonded cats and dogs arriving at shelters around the globe…

The shelters in Switzerland (and I guess in other countries aswell) are closed for now due to Covid. They depend as much on donations as our project in Bolivia. Moreover, they will have a lot of animals waiting for their forever-home as soon as the pandemic is over. So please give these souls a chance…

Adopt, don’t shop!

And in case you’re living in a country with street animals, you can provide them with water and food.

I will definitely use this time in lockdown for Animalma – so come around again soon!

Your Sarah

Covid-help for Senda Verde

Covid-help for Senda Verde

Covid affects us all – including animal welfare projects around the globe

Our wildlife shelter Senda Verde is closed due to the current corona pandemic. Bolivia is in lockdown which means that vital income from tourism and volunteers are missing.

Therefore, the refuge launched a new campaign called “Wild Calling” to collect donations in order to provide food and medical supplies for their inhabitants. You can support them directly or through the Emergency fund of Animalma.

Covid-Post from Senda Verde (in English)

Watch and share their campaign video in English or Spanish…

English version

En Español

Happy birthday Sarah

Happy birthday Sarah

Dear Animalma-Family

Once again I dedicated my birthday to help my wild family at Senda Verde in Bolivia. For the first time I organised a party for all the people who have inspired and supported me along the way.

As I hoped it turned into a colorful happening with a lot of hands helping out with the preparations. There was a buffet with yummie food from around the world, a bar with drinks, a sales booth with our sock monkeys, paintings and beautiful bracelets and of course I presented the work of Animalma and Senda Verde.

It was pure joy to celebrate my birthday and my passion for animal welfare at the same time. Plus it lead to the most beautiful gift ever: CHF 1’800.- in donations just on that evening plus several online donations leading to the amazing total of CHF 5’110.-.

We are able to feed all the 850 wild animals living at Senda Verde for a whole week!


The Emergency fund is still open for belated bday-donations and I will keep this campaign open as my wild family in Bolivia got hit very hard by the current Covid pandemic…

Stay healthy, stay at home and just keep being as awesome and big-hearted as you all were on my special day!


By the way: You can check out my bday-presentation anytime on Facebook or Youtube.