Little animal welfarists going big

Little animal welfarists going big

Even freezing winter temperatures of 0 degrees did not stop the little acitivists with their sales booth

“I learned that you are never too small to make a difference.” Greta Thunberg

Anna, Finja, Iara and Kyran were among the youngest visitors of the Animalma anniversary in October 2022.

The four young animal rights activists were so inspired after the event that they started crafting the very next day and sold their creations in their neighbourhood.

Their handmade items – from bracelets to notebooks to plush bananas – were very well received and so they were able to collect an amount of CHF 300 in donations, which they handed over to me personally shortly before my trip to Bolivia.

With the proceeds, I was able to buy milk powder, vitamin supplements and nappies for the primate babies of Senda Verde, which the orphans urgently need and represent a major cost for the refuge.

And the Senda Verde staff were very touched when I told them the story behind this very special donation.

Thank you so much dear Anna, Finja, Iara and Kyran for your wonderful, inspiring commitment to help wildlife in Bolivia!

The miracle of the little animal welfarists as a gallery

8 years Animalma

8 years Animalma

All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them.

Animalma was founded on the 22nd of October 2014 – so high time to finally celebrate our annivesary. A huge part of the Animalma family found their way to the youth club in Effretikon on the 29th of October 2022 for the birthday bash.

We’ve cheered at the bar, tasted delicious Bolivian and international meals, shopped for a good cause at the sales booth and throughout the location one could discover big and small milestones of our associations’ history.

The “party room” was packed when Sarah held her presentation. She took the 50 people – longtime and new donors, friends & family, animal welfare buddies, Bolivians and Swiss all mixed up – on a journey. A very personal journey of all the people, who have been part of her way, who have inspired and strengthened her.
As a highlight, Sarah sang her new song “From the woods” – a call for humanity to protect the forest of this world – for the very first time publicly.

It was an amazing evening filled with inspiring and touching conversations and encounters. And it turned into just another milestone in the history of Animalma. The buffet, bar, sales booth and donation box & online presence all added up to a staggering amount of CHF 3’000.- in donations. They will be used one third each for Senda Verde, nature conservation effort in Bolivia and the growth of Animalma as an association. THANK YOU all so much!

A very special THANKS goes to

  • Ximena for her handicraft efforts and managing the sales booth
  • Andrea, Chanti, Rahel, Je und Mirj for helping with the setup, behind the bar and taking care of the dog
  • Fany and Alba for the Bolivian dishes
  • & of course everyone else cooking and baking in for the buffet

We at Animalma are filled with joy, pride and love looking back to this event and therefore finish this article with a gallery filled with the most beautiful moments of our anniversary.

Animalma anniversary – the gallery

Handmade donations

Handmade donations

It is the 18th of May 2020 today – day 55 of the Bolivian lockdown…

…Senda Verde is still closed to the public and can not welcome visitors nor volunteers. They still rely completely on donations from all over the world to take care of the animals living at the refuge.

This is why we are very happy today to be able to send another CHF 737.- in donations to our shelter, making our campaign total climb up to CHF 11’681.-.

Handmade animal welfare

Today’s money transfer has been made possible by the following direct donations and handicrafts:

CHF 300.- in donations…
Thank you Carmen and Roberto, Sylvia and Corinne!

CHF 120.- from 3 of our handmade sock monkeys.

CHF 317.- from the sale of various bracelets.
Thank you Jeannine for your amazing, creative support and thanks to everyone who shopped with us!

Let’s ROCK ON – Let’s KEEP ON DONATING under

Sock monkey helps Senda Verde

Sock monkey helps Senda Verde

Thank you dearest Charlie…

…for buying this beautiful sock monkey and making a truly unique Christmas gift. Thanks to your sweetie for the extra 5 bugs via Twint. 😉

CHF 40.- went into our Emergency fund for Senda Verde. The new total is CHF 3480.-.

PS: We are always looking for help sewing our sock monkeys. If you are interested click HERE (so far in German only)!

The Instead-of-Donations

The Instead-of-Donations

Our emergency fund has hit everyday life…

Sarah received the following Instead-of-Donations

Instead of paying part of a dinner, we can use CHF 40.- to cover the bank transaction fees to Bolivia (one transaction costs CHF 20.-). Thank you Andi!

Instead of paying the full singing lesson, CHF 50.- of it were donated into our emergency fund. Gracias Laura!

Moving pictures moving people

Moving pictures moving people

Photo by Kristi Odom

Our Paypal account is on fire because of a beautiful little video that has been posted with our donation link!

People from all over the world are supporting our emergency fund. This is the essence of being part of the La-Senda-Family.

THANK YOU – DANKE – GRACIAS to all the donors and to Daniela Moreno for creating this touching emergency call!

Click on the following picture to watch the video…