aka “A big project for the youngest ones – nursery cage for the Howler monkey offspring”

Four of the eleven Howler monkeys in their temporary cage
Photo by Lorena – volunteer and surrogate monkey mum @ Senda Verde
P.S.: Many more pictures and videos from Lorena are now ready on
Our howlers – The album
Update: This campaign is closed – we thank all our supporters for their help. The nursery cage stands and is in use.
The project and its’ key aspects
11 (!) howler monkey orphans have been rescued and brought to the wildlife refuge Senda Verde during the Corona crisis in 2020. They urgently need a nursery cage.
What is the goal of this campaign?
Animalma supports the construction of a safe, nature-orientated enclosure that is appropriate to the species for the eleven young howler monkeys (Alouatta sara) at Senda Verde wildlife refuge.
The constructional work has already started thanks to the received donations, but an important part of the needed materials and work force are still not covered.
This is why Animalma wants to fundraise the open amount of CHF 5000.- as soon as possible. Do you help us?
Update October 2021: The basic structure is finished, the interior is still missing

Update August 2021: We’ve reached the first milestone – work in progress
Why is this project needed?
The illegal trade with wildlife is not in lockdown. There has never been as many young howler monkeys at Senda Verde at the same time as now.
They need professional help and close observation around the clock as howler monkeys are among the species of primates with the highest mortality rate in captivity. This is due to their very complex and delicate digestion system, so even at a specialised refuge like Senda Verde, their chance of survival is fifty-fifty.
These orphans are heavily traumatised, they need medical attention, close care and a safe environment to recuperate and relearn their natural behaviour.
In nature, these young howler monkeys would have spent the first two years with their mother giving them the necessary protection. Illegal wildlife trafficking has taken this safety and life at the shelter is risky despite all efforts.
One howler offspring was recently bit by an adult animal and lost her life due to the heavy injuries. Miel’s fate underlines the urgency of the nursery cage – we tell her story further below and dedicate this campaign to her.
Therefore, the new nursery cage will have the possibility to let suitable adult animals under close control into the cage to integrate the offspring step by step into the existing primate troop.
Also older or handicapped monkeys, which are not part of the troop any longer, as well as the caretakers of the howlers will find safety in the new enclosure.
What’s included in the project?
The nursery cage will have a seize of 12 x 12 meters with a height of 16 meters.
A strong steal construction will carry the mesh and create a safe space for the young primates.
The enclosure will be designed as close to nature as possible with plants and trunks to climb on, feeding stations and spaces for withdrawal.
The total cost will be CHF 12’500.- for all the materials and the work force.
A big part of the cost (CHF 6’600.-) is due to the steal construction and the mesh of high quality, as the later has to be imported.
Other matters of expenses are CHF 4’800.- to cover the work force plus further equipment like trunks, cement, sand etc.
Can Animalma create the miracle of raising the missing amount-?
Donation counter
Donations received by Animalma: CHF 1’500.-
Donations received through Senda Verde: CHF 11’500.-
Thanks from Animalma
Animalma appreciates every contribution and thanks the following donors:
- Chantal Eicher for your donation even before the campaign was online
- Simone Schwyter for your continuous support and encouragement
- Corinne Messikommer, who supports us again and again and shares our campaigns
- Jeannine Brugger – Animalma wouldn’t be the same and not as colorful without you
- Sandra Müller, you have a heart of gold that beats for animal welfare
- Christine Keller – a true inspiration in every aspect
- Ximena Enriquez, gracias por tu donacion, tu ayuda con la traduccion i para ser mi amiga – aunque nunca nos vimos en persona!
- Fabian Zürcher – you’ve cracked the 1’000-mark with your donation! Thank you for this milestone.
- Max and Julia Fehr: we will bring your donation directly to Bolivia!
- Rachid Wyss, once more an amazing “Instead-of-donation“.
- Sandra Grau, Andrea Haag, Janine Brechbühl – your help was brought directly to Bolivia in October 2021. What a beautiful sensation it was – we hope you feel it too!
- To all the anonymous donors: we are touched by your contributions and they motivate us – thank you so much!
A message from heaven
A howler-hello to everyone who can hear me
My name is Miel and during my short time on earth, I was a howler monkey. I was born in the Amazone rainforest, but my peaceful life in freedom with my family was abruptly ended one day.
My mother was killed by poachers so they could sell me as an exotic pet. This tragic moment changed my life forever – I was transported under horrific circumstances to a black market. I was very afraid and I missed my mum so much!
It was a blessing in disguise that I was rescued and brought to the animal shelter Senda Verde. I quickly realized that the humans there knew what I needed. They examinated me fondly and gave me the required food and care. I recuperated slowly but steadily from my heavy strains and started to rediscover my natural needs.
I got a bit better every day, but of course no human nor any rescue centre could ever replace my mother. Because in the wild, I would spend my first two years with her. She and my family would have tought me everything to become a strong howler monkey.
Although Senda Verde does everything to give me and the other 950 rescued animals a second chance on a life in peace and nature, there are many risks in keeping that many animals in a limited area – especially for us new arrivals.
We primates life in complex hierarchies – strange offspring is not easily accepted by the existing troop. This is why one day I got attacked and killed by an adult howler.
My death was a massive shock for all the humans, who have been taking care of me. Since that day, my howler siblings are kept in a temporary cage for their safety. They are eagerly waiting for their proper nursery cage – will you help them?
I was never able to live my life in freedom due to the illegal wildlife trade. So I hope that at least my death and my story will send out a message to humanity, that my fate will make you think and support this important project.
Always yours,