“And off I go into the forest to lose my mind and find my soul.”
John Muir
Dear Animalma family
I’m delighted to be writing the first newsletter of 2025 for you. It will be short but sweet, because this year has it all…
Anniversary celebration on 08 March
We are in the middle of preparations for our big jubilee party to celebrate our 10th anniversary with you on 8 March.
We will also be celebrating Sarah’s birthday at the same time.
All details and the sign-up form can be found here in the invitation.
Thank you for your registration by 14 February. I hope to be seeing many of you this evening and toasting with you.
Campaign update ‘Fighting wildfires with knowledge’
Our new campaign Fighting wildfires with knowledge went live with the last newsletter in October. Over the past three months, we have already collected an incredible CHF 7’045.- in donations thanks to 20 supporters.
A big thank you to you all!
At the same time, preparations for the forest firefighting courses in April / May are in full swing. You can find a detailed update here.
We are still in the middle of fundraising for this wonderfully sustainable project, which we are realising together with @fire Switzerland, and thank you for your donations via:
Every amount counts – every amount saves a piece of the Amazon.

I am looking forward to a new Animalma year full of adventure and with you by my side. Together, we will once again achieve great things on a small scale for nature and the wildlife of Bolivia.
Best wishes & hope to see you at the “Jubi-Fäscht” on 8 March,
Your Sarah