Completed campaigns

Photo by Noelia Chalfoun

“The least I can do is speak out for those who cannot do it for themselves.” Jane Gooddall

Over the past 9 years, we have been privileged to help countless animals in Bolivia. Here are the past completed milestones. Many thanks to all of our supporters!

Our ongoing campaigns are under projects.

2020 / 2021

Howl of help from the howlers

We helped fund a nursery enclosure for young howler monkey orphans.


#SoSBolivia – La Chiquitania

Terrible, out-of-control slash-and-burn ravaged in La Chiquitania in the east of Bolivia in 2019.

With this awareness campaign (in German only), we reported on it & were able to send donations to the disaster area.


Rays for Bolivia

We wanted to fundraise a mobile X-ray machine, but could not reach the targeted amount. But Senda Verde got the desired device sponsored by the manufacturer – what a miracle!

With our donation we were able to purchase 2 laser devices for the clinic. The treatment significantly supports wound healing, post-ops and various skin problems.

This fundraising campaign was published only in German.

2014 – 2016

Giving wings

The construction of a large aviary at Senda Verde Wildlife Refuge was our very first fundraising project.

We helped to give abused Amazon parrots a new home and the chance to finally learn to fly!

Our promise

We only support organizations and people that we know personally and can make sure that our donation will is used sustainably.

Every donation goes in full to the chosen project. Animalma finances its costs and any project expenses through association-related donations.

Our heart projects

The wildlife refuge Senda Verde (“The green path”) in Bolivia is more than just a project – it is family! A wild family, where victims of the illegal wildlife trade find a new home and active educational work about this problem is carried out.

Through several volunteer assignments on site, we know this very special spot on earth with its inhabitants and founders personally.

We passionately help them to realize new building projects and to spread their message:

Wild animals are not pets. Wild animals belong into the wild. And it is precisely these habitats that need to be protected.

We fulfill the last sentence of the above statement through various efforts in nature conservation.

Whether it is emergency aid in the case of forest fires, preventive measures in the form of training and protective materials – we help where we are needed. Bolivia’s protected areas and their rangers are particularly dear to our hearts.