
Photo: Pagina Siete

The fires are back – act NOW!

Update on 14th of September 2020: As soon as some fires are extinguished, new ones emerge – right now close to Noel Kempff Mercado national park. Some fires enter from Brasil, others start due to the drought of climate change and others are set up intentionally. We are well aware that a legal solution is the only effective way to solve this problem, but the fires are raging NOW, so we want to help the countless volunteers NOW. Are you with us?

Zurich, 28th of July 2020: We have received several notifications about new fires in Bolivia over the past few days triggering painful memories of last years catastrophe (60’000 km2 land and 2 million animals burnt).

It breaks our heart to see our second home like this and that Bolivia is not only struggling due to Covid and political tensions, but has to fight the flames now too – with next to nothing… And it makes us angry that the laws enforcing the fires have not changed yet!

Desperate times call for courageous measures. These are ours:

1. Fundraising

We are collecting funds to combat the fires in Bolivia NOW. We want to help the voluntary firefighters who are risking their lives to stop the flames.

We are in contact with the organisation Standing Rivers / Rios de Pie. They are very well known all over Bolivia and have a wide network. They receive calls for help from the people in the affected areas. These helpers need:

Basic supplies

Equipment for their work like protective clothing, shoes, fire-extinguisher, helmets, firefighter-backpacks, first-aid kits, torch lights, petrol for their vehicles, rakes, axes etc.

Provisions – food and drinks for the volunteers

Big dreams

Drones and walkie-talkies to combat fires more efficiently – these are the big dreams since last year, which could not be realised so far.

Can we make the miracle happen? If you feel a call to fulfill these dreams, please contact us via info@animalma.org.

2. Political pressure

The people in power have to feel the power of the people!

We need pressure NOW and from every possible angle on the people in power – especially to support the firefighters and to abolish decree 3973 (which triggered last years fires).

Everyone from everywhere can help here!

Use the following hashtags and mentions or share the posts below (will be updated on the go).

And please if you have photos, videos and articles for us to publish, send them to info@animalma.org.


#Bolivia #SOSBolivia #SOSChiquitania #Yel3973?

@jeanineañez / #jeanineañezchavez #añez (Interim president of Bolivia)

@elva_pinckert / @AmbienteyAgua / #pinckert / #ministeriodemedioambieteyagua (Ministry of environment and water with Maria Elva Pinckert as minister)

#ABT (Autoridad de Fiscalicazion y Control Social de Bosques i Tierra = governmental institution controlling forests and land)

#SERNAP (Servicio Nacional de Areas Protegidas = Government agency for protected areas)

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