The green mountains of the Yungas region – down in the valley lays the refuge.The bridge leads into the shelter…Capi das CapybaraSilala, a heavily traumatised spider monkey, who could not have been integrated into the existing monkey troop so far.View towards the capuchin area…Without Carla, “Project Dron”…
Senda Verde from aboveCubaiScared by wildlife trafficking……but at least with a partner.Carla: veterinary, animal activist and wonderful friend.…would not have been finished so quickly and nicely!
The Emergency fund…
…is filling the food prep room……and feeds the animals of Senda Verde.
The Emergency fund was triggered by policital tensions in 2019 and just kept going feeding the 900+ animals of Senda Verde during the Corona crisis.
Animalma keeps fundraising for food supplies until tourism in Bolivia is back to normal.
I’m travelling to Bolivia on the 22nd of September to visit our heart project, the wildlife refuge Senda Verde. It still feels surreal and until my feet are firmly on bolivian soil on the 23rd, a million things could still go wrong.
At the same time, I can’t wait to arrive at Senda Verde and reunite with all the amazing animals and people after four long years. I’ll spend three weeks there on a personal timeout, but will also take lots of pictures and videos so I can show you where and how all your donations have helped maintaining and improving the lifes of many wild animals.
I thank each and everyone of you with all my heart for the tireless support you have shown…
…may it have been in the form of a financial donation or one in kind, for sharing our campaigns and also for every inspiring discussion about Animalma’s animal welfare work!
Of course I’ll also use this newsletter to promote our current campaigns. That way I can bring as many donations as possible directly to Bolivia.
The construction work for the nursery cage has begun – thanks to the already received donations through Animalma and other supporters of Senda Verde. Any further help will make sure that the baby monkeys can move in sooner.
PS: All the returns from Jeannine’s beautiful bracelets will go to this project from now on. Send your order to or directly to the artist via
Bolivia is burning
Like every year, the forests of Bolivia are burning. And like every year, countless animals burn alive. Whole ecosystems are destroyed forever. These lands are set on fire on purpose – to be used for agriculture.
This complex (and global) problem hits me at my very core and paralyses me each year anew, which is why I have decided to set up a periodic campaign. A mixture of raising awareness and funds for an emergency relief, beginning in 2022.
If you want to help the voluntary firefighters right now and send your help with me, you can do so through our general page by remarking you donation with «fire relief»: Every amount is greatly appreciated. I would love to receive any and all feedback or inspiration concerning this new topic.
I won’t have any internet or mobile reception at the refuge, so if I get the chance I will report directly from Bolivia through Social Media. I will definitely update you in detail on Animalma’s website once I’ve returned in the end of October.
Until then I’ll say
„¡Hasta pronto!“, “Take good care of yourself” “Be kind to one another” & “Always help an animal in need – wherever, whenever!”
Here we introduce you to the young howler monkeys we build the nursery cage for and say thank you to our supporters.
All the primates you see in this album are victims of the illegal wildlife trade, which is the second biggest threat to wild animals after habitat loss.
9 out of 10 animals taken from the wild die. Senda Verde takes in the survivors and gives them a new chance on life.
They are the ambassadors of their species. They are the wakeup call for us humans.
Surrogate mother Lorena is a volunteer @ Senda Verde helping to take care of the howler monkeys. She also took / organised all the pictures and videos in this album. ❤ Here you see her on the way to one of the temporary cages, so the little ones can learn to climb and interact with each other, but they desperately need a proper nursery cage. Will you help?
One of the temporary enclosures the young howlers are being taken care in until the nursery cage is built.
Meet Olmo and Cocolito. The slightly older Olmo (left) takes care of all the new arrivals.
Primates are very popular exotic pets – especially in South America, the US and Europe.
When primates are hunted to be sold alive, the mother animal gets killed first in order to capture the young.
The brutal capture is followed by a long, horrific transport from the jungle to the local black market and finally overseas. Only 1 out of 10 animals survives this torture.
Already established drug and human trafficking routes are used for wild animals too.
The surviving animals suffer from deep psychological traumas and also physical wounds and are showing abnormal behavioural traits.
Learning how to climb on branches is vital for the youngsters – as well as is playing, so they can learn how to interact in a troop.
In nature, these young howler monkeys would have spent the first two years with their mother giving them the necessary protection. Illegal wildlife trafficking has taken this safety and life at the shelter is risky despite all efforts.
Let’s give these souls the best chance on growing up save and sound – by building their nursery cage:
A healthy diet and close observation are key to the survival of the young primates. Howler monkeys are among the species of primates with the highest mortality rate in captivity due to their very complex and delicate digestion system.
Discovering the world together
Cleaning, cleaning, cleaning…
Hygiene is another key issue for a successful upbringing. The sleeping area of the howler monkeys and their caretakers is cleaned by Lorena.
And most importantly just being there…
…if one of the Howlers needs help and / or a safe space.
Update: This campaign is closed – we thank all our supporters for their help. The nursery cage stands and is in use.
The project and its’ key aspects
11 (!) howler monkey orphans have been rescued and brought to the wildlife refuge Senda Verde during the Corona crisis in 2020. They urgently need a nursery cage.
What is the goal of this campaign?
Animalma supports the construction of a safe, nature-orientated enclosure that is appropriate to the species for the eleven young howler monkeys (Alouatta sara) at Senda Verde wildlife refuge.
The constructional work has already started thanks to the received donations, but an important part of the needed materials and work force are still not covered.
This is why Animalma wants to fundraise the open amount of CHF 5000.- as soon as possible. Do you help us?
Update October 2021: The basic structure is finished, the interior is still missing
Update August 2021: We’ve reached the first milestone – work in progress
Why is this project needed?
The illegal trade with wildlife is not in lockdown. There has never been as many young howler monkeys at Senda Verde at the same time as now.
They need professional help and close observation around the clock as howler monkeys are among the species of primates with the highest mortality rate in captivity. This is due to their very complex and delicate digestion system, so even at a specialised refuge like Senda Verde, their chance of survival is fifty-fifty.
These orphans are heavily traumatised, they need medical attention, close care and a safe environment to recuperate and relearn their natural behaviour.
In nature, these young howler monkeys would have spent the first two years with their mother giving them the necessary protection. Illegal wildlife trafficking has taken this safety and life at the shelter is risky despite all efforts. One howler offspring was recently bit by an adult animal and lost her life due to the heavy injuries. Miel’s fate underlines the urgency of the nursery cage – we tell her story further below and dedicate this campaign to her.
Therefore, the new nursery cage will have the possibility to let suitable adult animals under close control into the cage to integrate the offspring step by step into the existing primate troop.
Also older or handicapped monkeys, which are not part of the troop any longer, as well as the caretakers of the howlers will find safety in the new enclosure.
What’s included in the project?
The nursery cage will have a seize of 12 x 12 meters with a height of 16 meters.
A strong steal construction will carry the mesh and create a safe space for the young primates.
The enclosure will be designed as close to nature as possible with plants and trunks to climb on, feeding stations and spaces for withdrawal.
The total cost will be CHF 12’500.- for all the materials and the work force.
A big part of the cost (CHF 6’600.-) is due to the steal construction and the mesh of high quality, as the later has to be imported.
Other matters of expenses are CHF 4’800.- to cover the work force plus further equipment like trunks, cement, sand etc.
Can Animalma create the miracle of raising the missing amount-?
Sandra Grau, Andrea Haag, Janine Brechbühl – your help was brought directly to Bolivia in October 2021. What a beautiful sensation it was – we hope you feel it too!
To all the anonymous donors: we are touched by your contributions and they motivate us – thank you so much!
A message from heaven
A howler-hello to everyone who can hear me
My name is Miel and during my short time on earth, I was a howler monkey. I was born in the Amazone rainforest, but my peaceful life in freedom with my family was abruptly ended one day.
My mother was killed by poachers so they could sell me as an exotic pet. This tragic moment changed my life forever – I was transported under horrific circumstances to a black market. I was very afraid and I missed my mum so much!
It was a blessing in disguise that I was rescued and brought to the animal shelter Senda Verde. I quickly realized that the humans there knew what I needed. They examinated me fondly and gave me the required food and care. I recuperated slowly but steadily from my heavy strains and started to rediscover my natural needs.
I got a bit better every day, but of course no human nor any rescue centre could ever replace my mother. Because in the wild, I would spend my first two years with her. She and my family would have tought me everything to become a strong howler monkey.
Miel at Senda Verde Wildlife Refuge
Although Senda Verde does everything to give me and the other 950 rescued animals a second chance on a life in peace and nature, there are many risks in keeping that many animals in a limited area – especially for us new arrivals.
We primates life in complex hierarchies – strange offspring is not easily accepted by the existing troop. This is why one day I got attacked and killed by an adult howler.
My death was a massive shock for all the humans, who have been taking care of me. Since that day, my howler siblings are kept in a temporary cage for their safety. They are eagerly waiting for their proper nursery cage – will you help them?
I was never able to live my life in freedom due to the illegal wildlife trade. So I hope that at least my death and my story will send out a message to humanity, that my fate will make you think and support this important project.
Update on 14th of September 2020: As soon as some fires are extinguished, new ones emerge – right now close to Noel Kempff Mercado national park. Some fires enter from Brasil, others start due to the drought of climate change and others are set up intentionally. We are well aware that a legal solution is the only effective way to solve this problem, but the fires are raging NOW, so we want to help the countless volunteers NOW. Are you with us?
Zurich, 28th of July 2020: We have received several notifications about new fires in Bolivia over the past few days triggering painful memories of last years catastrophe (60’000 km2 land and 2 million animals burnt).
It breaks our heart to see our second home like this and that Bolivia is not only struggling due to Covid and political tensions, but has to fight the flames now too – with next to nothing… And it makes us angry that the laws enforcing the fires have not changed yet!
Desperate times call for courageous measures. These are ours:
1. Fundraising
We are collecting funds to combat the fires in Bolivia NOW. We want to help the voluntary firefighters who are risking their lives to stop the flames.
We are in contact with the organisation Standing Rivers / Rios de Pie. They are very well known all over Bolivia and have a wide network. They receive calls for help from the people in the affected areas. These helpers need:
Basic supplies
Equipment for their work like protective clothing, shoes, fire-extinguisher, helmets, firefighter-backpacks, first-aid kits, torch lights, petrol for their vehicles, rakes, axes etc.
Drones and walkie-talkies to combat fires more efficiently – these are the big dreams since last year, which could not be realised so far.
Can we make the miracle happen? If you feel a call to fulfill these dreams, please contact us via
2. Political pressure
The people in power have to feel the power of the people!
We need pressure NOW and from every possible angle on the people in power – especially to support the firefighters and to abolish decree 3973 (which triggered last years fires).
Everyone from everywhere can help here!
Use the following hashtags and mentions or share the posts below (will be updated on the go).
And please if you have photos, videos and articles for us to publish, send them to
#Bolivia #SOSBolivia #SOSChiquitania #Yel3973?
@jeanineañez / #jeanineañezchavez #añez (Interim president of Bolivia)
@elva_pinckert / @AmbienteyAgua / #pinckert / #ministeriodemedioambieteyagua (Ministry of environment and water with Maria Elva Pinckert as minister)
#ABT (Autoridad de Fiscalicazion y Control Social de Bosques i Tierra = governmental institution controlling forests and land)
#SERNAP (Servicio Nacional de Areas Protegidas = Government agency for protected areas)
Posts to share
I cannot believe that one year after marching in #Switzerland for my second home #Bolivia, one year after the…
It is the 18th of May 2020 today – day 55 of the Bolivian lockdown…
…Senda Verde is still closed to the public and can not welcome visitors nor volunteers. They still rely completely on donations from all over the world to take care of the animals living at the refuge.
This is why we are very happy today to be able to send another CHF 737.- in donations to our shelter, making our campaign total climb up to CHF 11’681.-.
Handmade animal welfare
Today’s money transfer has been made possible by the following direct donations and handicrafts:
CHF 300.- in donations… Thank you Carmen and Roberto, Sylvia and Corinne!
CHF 120.- from 3 of our handmade sock monkeys.
CHF 317.- from the sale of various bracelets. Thank you Jeannine for your amazing, creative support and thanks to everyone who shopped with us!
My last entry from end of January was lost due to technical problems on our website
Instead of re-writing it, I’ve decided to make one massive update covering all the highlights since the beginning of the year. And because we are all in lockdown now, I’m adding a lot of pictures, posts and videos.
As you will see, it has been a quarter full of “firsts”…
1st live interview on Facebook
On 20th of January I met the Bolivian journalist Edwin Perez Uberhuaga, publisher of the magazine “Aqui Latinos”. In my very first live interview we talked about the illegal wildlife trade in Bolivia and I presented the work of Animalma and Senda Verde.
Through the interview with Edwin I’ve got invited by Raul Calizaya to join him as a guest in his radio programm “Voces de Latinoamerica” on Radio Stadtfilter. We talked in German and Spanish about wildlife trafficking in Bolivia and the devastating fires from last year.
I was excited that Vicky Ossio from Senda Verde joined us live from Bolivia and that we were able to present our animal welfare project in Switzerland.
Our interview on “Voces de Latinoamerica” can be listened to anytime online:
1st talent donation
An extra-wonderful first came end of January: my dear, talented, creative friend Jeannine contacted me to make a talent donation.
She knots beautiful bracelets which I can sell now for Animalma. The profit from the sale and her work are donated towards my project and I’m still over the moon by this kind and awesome gesture.
I give you a little teaser of her work – if you are interested in ordering a bracelet let me know via
1st BLICK-interview
Thanks to my apprenticeship at the foundation TierRettungsDienst I had the chance to have my very first media experience last year. In December BLICK (a big media brand in Switzerland) published a video interview of me presenting the job profile of an animal keeper and mid February an article was published online.
My February was filled with birthday preparations as I organised a fundraiser event for the very first time. As my biggest wish – to celebrate my 33rd birthday in Bolivia – was not fulfilled, I decided to do something FOR Bolivia here in Switzerland.
A zero-budget-event turned into an amazing, colorful evening thanks to the support of friends and family and together we collected a stunning amount of CHF 5’110.- in donations for our Emergency fund.
I’ve teared up while writing the last sentence as I am still deeply touched by the generositiy and love from everyone for me and my project. I thank you with all my heart for the best bday gift ever – the biggest donation in the history of Animalma. What a start into my “Jesus year”!
And now? Now we are all in lockdown, our lifes slowed down and it’s all about #stayathome #flattenthecurve and #covid19.
Bolivia is under quarantine too, Senda Verde had to close its’ doors and again vital tourism income and volunteers are missing. This is why I keep the Emergency fund up and running as donations for food and medical supplies are now even more needed than before.
At the same time I do believe that this situation is also a chance…
…a chance to combat illegal wildlife trade, which gained medial attention through Covid.
….hopefully a chance for humanity to finally correct its’ destructive way!
….and a chance for each and everyone of us. We are forced to slow down and to have a good look at ourselves. We feel locked away like zoo animals… And hopefully think about how we treat nature, animals and our planet as a whole. Rethink our values. Take responsibility for our actions.
And hey don’t forget that you can still do a lot of good for our animals during lockdown. Here are a few examples…
For our wildlife
…plant bee- and bird-friendly flowers and plants on your balcony.
…instead of having a groomed lawn, go for an untamed meadow being a paradise for bees and other insects. Add some bushes to make the hedgehogs feel welcome too.
…and if you live in the city feed the pigeons (with pigeon fodder please!)
For our farm animals
Rethink your consumer behaviour – in general but especially when it comes to animal products. Scan your products with the app CodeCheck, research your meat labels on, look for vegetarian / vegan alternatives and try them out!
We all have more than enough time to do so and can make an important impact towards reducing animal suffering and global pollution.
For our domestic (shelter) animals
I am currently looking after the cat of a friend and I am so glad to have this feline companion in this otherwise lonely lockdown. Isn’t it amazing how much an animal can give back? At the same time I read a lot of reports about abandonded cats and dogs arriving at shelters around the globe…
The shelters in Switzerland (and I guess in other countries aswell) are closed for now due to Covid. They depend as much on donations as our project in Bolivia. Moreover, they will have a lot of animals waiting for their forever-home as soon as the pandemic is over. So please give these souls a chance…
Adopt, don’t shop!
And in case you’re living in a country with street animals, you can provide them with water and food.
I will definitely use this time in lockdown for Animalma – so come around again soon!
Vicky and Marcelo, the founders of Senda Verde thank everyone who has supported our emergency fund.
They have made this beautiful video for YOU showing you exactly where your donations are going – into the beautiful bellies of the 850 wild animals living at the shelter.
Have fun watching our wild family and we from Animalma also say…
Once again I dedicated my birthday to help my wild family at Senda Verde in Bolivia. For the first time I organised a party for all the people who have inspired and supported me along the way.
As I hoped it turned into a colorful happening with a lot of hands helping out with the preparations. There was a buffet with yummie food from around the world, a bar with drinks, a sales booth with our sock monkeys, paintings and beautiful bracelets and of course I presented the work of Animalma and Senda Verde.
It was pure joy to celebrate my birthday and my passion for animal welfare at the same time. Plus it lead to the most beautiful gift ever: CHF 1’800.- in donations just on that evening plus several online donations leading to the amazing total of CHF 5’110.-.
We are able to feed all the 850 wild animals living at Senda Verde for a whole week!
The Emergency fund is still open for belated bday-donations and I will keep this campaign open as my wild family in Bolivia got hit very hard by the current Covid pandemic…
Stay healthy, stay at home and just keep being as awesome and big-hearted as you all were on my special day!
xxx Sarah
By the way: You can check out my bday-presentation anytime on Facebook or Youtube.
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