Can we cover a full week?

Can we cover a full week?

CHF 3’370.- is the fantastic total of our fundraising campaign, CHF 3’305.44 after the deduction of all transaction fees

Thanks to two major donations and many small ones – being just as essential – our Emergency fund has risen to this beautiful amount.

Thank you ALL so much for supporting our campaign!

Feeding the 835 animals living at Senda Verde costs CHF 800.- per day. About a quarter is covered by direct donations of edibles from the Bolivian community. CHF 500.- have to be covered by the refuge.

Let’s push our campaign again so we can reach a total of CHF 3’500.- to feed all the animals at the shelter for a whole week!

Become part of the miracle by sharing this post or donating here:

The Instead-of-Donations

The Instead-of-Donations

Our emergency fund has hit everyday life…

Sarah received the following Instead-of-Donations

Instead of paying part of a dinner, we can use CHF 40.- to cover the bank transaction fees to Bolivia (one transaction costs CHF 20.-). Thank you Andi!

Instead of paying the full singing lesson, CHF 50.- of it were donated into our emergency fund. Gracias Laura!

Update November 2019

Update November 2019

Photo thanks to Rumi

Dear diary…

How hectic it has been over the last weeks and months in Bolivia – the home of my heart! I am writing to you in order to process the policital situation as well as giving you an update on the animals of Senda Verde and the ones that have been hit by the recent fires.

Politics is always a complex topic, especially in a faraway country. Usually I do not care about it that much, but in Bolivia’s case it is a totally different story. Because you, dear diary, have never been to Bolivia with me, I’ll focus on the most important events and try to keep it short.

  • On 20th October 2019 presidential elections were held in Bolivia. Unfortunately, the vote of the people was not respected, the results were falsified and Evo Morales declared as winner.
  • Luckily the Bolivian community did not accept that and went into a general, peaceful protest that lasted for three weeks.
  • The police took the side of its’ people, which lead to the resignation of Evo Morales on the 10th of November.
  • The former president fled to Mexico where he continued to sow hate and racism.
  • The interim government is planning fair and transparent elections now.
  • The situation in Bolivia is still tense. Democracy isn’t safed just yet, but it is under way.

Additional to these facts I want to add here in my diary my personal view on the recent events in Bolivia:

The protests in Bolivia werent about Left against Right, not about Indigenous against White nor about the poor against the rich. It was about respecting the vote of the people and recuperating democracy itself.

I have been deeply inspired by the unity, strength, stamina, love and creativity of the Bolivian community during this hectic time. I am proud to be part of this movement and will continue to stand for the freedom of Bolivia.

Let’s continue to the topic you are eagerly waiting for… my animal welfare activities in Bolivia.

Fires in the Bolivian Amazon

A heavenly rain in the beginning of October finally calmed down the fires and made them manageable. Nevertheless, 60’000 km2 forest and grassland have been lost, 2’600’000 animals died horribly in the flames since August.

Due to the landwide protests in October and November, it was very difficult to help the survivors of this tragedy. The campaign of Senda Verde came to a complete stop and we lost valuable time. The situation is being analysed now and we are still raising funds for La Chiquitania – the region that has been hit the hardest by the fires.

Senda Verde Wildlife Refuge

My wild family’s daily expenses are usually covered by income from tourism and volunteers. As these means have come to a complete stop for four weeks and will only recover over time, essential funds are missing to ensure the maintenance of the shelter and its’ 835 inhabitants.

Essential food supplies like oat, milk powder and sunflower seeds are missing, which is why Senda Verde posted an emergency call. We have heard their cry and set up an emergency fund for them:

Please support this important campaign – with a donation and / or a valuable share on your Social Media channels.

With hope, love & inspiration


Moving pictures moving people

Moving pictures moving people

Photo by Kristi Odom

Our Paypal account is on fire because of a beautiful little video that has been posted with our donation link!

People from all over the world are supporting our emergency fund. This is the essence of being part of the La-Senda-Family.

THANK YOU – DANKE – GRACIAS to all the donors and to Daniela Moreno for creating this touching emergency call!

Click on the following picture to watch the video…