Happy birthday Sarah

Dear Animalma-Family

Once again I dedicated my birthday to help my wild family at Senda Verde in Bolivia. For the first time I organised a party for all the people who have inspired and supported me along the way.

As I hoped it turned into a colorful happening with a lot of hands helping out with the preparations. There was a buffet with yummie food from around the world, a bar with drinks, a sales booth with our sock monkeys, paintings and beautiful bracelets and of course I presented the work of Animalma and Senda Verde.

It was pure joy to celebrate my birthday and my passion for animal welfare at the same time. Plus it lead to the most beautiful gift ever: CHF 1’800.- in donations just on that evening plus several online donations leading to the amazing total of CHF 5’110.-.

We are able to feed all the 850 wild animals living at Senda Verde for a whole week!


The Emergency fund is still open for belated bday-donations and I will keep this campaign open as my wild family in Bolivia got hit very hard by the current Covid pandemic…

Stay healthy, stay at home and just keep being as awesome and big-hearted as you all were on my special day!


By the way: You can check out my bday-presentation anytime on Facebook or Youtube.

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